Or what did you do?

  1. Always lift the toilet seat when peeing so as not to make a mess. Then close the lid when you’re done.

  2. Be honest about everything. If you have something to hide, the relationship is doomed to fail

  3. What my girlfriend and I did was just talk a bunch. Our conversations encompassed a ton of stuff and I feel like I knew her better after a lot of it. We knew our expectations, our boundaries, shared secrets, built trust, found mutual passions. All of this is making it feel like we’re off to a good start.

  4. Both get a recent STD screen so we can get to raw dogging it because I’m snipped, baby!

  5. Set boundaries, and learn how to have open, honest, and frequent communication. Even about the difficult or awkward topics.

  6. Establish your “not available” time to minimize controlling behaviour on her part.

  7. Be yourself and always take your SO’s feelings into consideration.

  8. Set boundaries. New couples always fail to set boundaries and then proceed to take it personally when the other person violates a boundary they didn’t know existed.

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