Im speaking on platonic friendships.

I **love** meeting people and making friends, but I just made a new friend that I really like, and I feel anxious.

I really like her and have total respect for her. I guess I just really value what we have.

But, I’m scared of getting close to her because I don’t want to let her down in anyway, and I don’t want her to let me down or don’t want to find out something bad about her.

I don’t know why I’m overthinking this. I normally don’t react like this in new friendships.

  1. Yeah, I totally get where you’re coming from

    It’s normal to feel anxious when you really value a friendship and don’t want to mess things up

    Just take it slow and the trust will build naturally

    Keep being yourself!

  2. I’m scared of getting close to people because I prefer to keep private, and I tend to get clingy, which leads to me cutting them off.

  3. all the time. I thought I could let loose, treat them like how I treat my best friends, but what happens is I start showing my bad side and really, only best friends could stand those bad sides and acquaintances would rather stay away from it. So I build a nice mask and wear it all the time.

  4. I feel like, no matter what, somebody’s gonna screw up. At that point its about being willing to communicate and see if the friendship is still worth it.

    Which in many cases, it really is. Life isn’t full of rainbows and unicorns. There’s gonna be some hard and dark times.

    I guess try not romanticizing or setting your expectations so high they just come tumbling on down. We are all human and imperfect.

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