so i (F22) have been seeing this guy (M25) for about a year now. he lives in a different city, so we only see each other once every few months.
when we started talking we were just friends and it slowly escalated. during that time, we both talked to other people and were clear on boundaries. however, neither of us really went on dates. recently, he got a date, but when he told me, i was pretty upset. we talked about it a lot, and agreed that we needed to talk a step back.
i hadn’t realized how attached i had become until he told me about the date. we are *very* very good friends, he means a lot to me. going back to friends isn’t the hard part, it’s the fact that i’m losing the intimacy we had. he’s moving states soon, so it’ll easy to lose the physical side of things.
he’s been very nice about it, and we’ve continue to adjust our boundaries as we go. how can i get over the lose of intimacy? in a weird way, it feels like i’m going back to being single.

edit: it’s not that i *want* a serious relationship, i never did. i’m just losing the intimacy we had and going back to how we were a year ago. it feels like i’m losing something

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