it’s so weird to me that people will say they’re in a relationship when they weren’t/aren’t. likeee?? i’m so weirded out bc like what do they get from that? most people were in my classes and i was always friendly with everyone not just them, so like it’s not that i was ever “coming on” to them. i’m one of those people who believe we should all be like buddies lol so like i just never understood why they’d lie about something that’s so insignificant lol

  1. They are insecure that they are not in a relationship. So they lie, so that others would not tease and make fun of their lack of relationship.

    They want to signal from the getgo that they have no romantic interest towards you. Sobthat you would not even hope in getting into one with them. If your intentions are purely platonic, then it shouldn’t bother you if their “romantic relationship” is fake.

  2. Well, let me tell you, there can be a bunch of reasons why someone would lie about being in a relationship. Maybe they want to appear desirable or more important to others. It could also be that they feel lonely or insecure, and claiming to be in a relationship makes them feel better about themselves. People do weird things sometimes, and it’s hard to understand their motives. Just keep being friendly and don’t let their behavior bother you too much. After all, we’re all just trying to navigate this crazy thing called life.

  3. to make sure ain’t nobody changing mind to “come on” &
    to prevent being talked into a conversation you’d rather not be part of. I remember a girl in my class who befriended every other girls , knew who were single and always tried to get them to talk to her other friends (boys).
    Boys will swam after the girls who they’ve been told are single.

  4. some people assume they will have to teacgh you how if you havent. you see people all the time saying “well im not going to teach someone how to date and when they havent dated by 30 its a red flag!

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