I think we’ve all that had 1am “tomorrow I will change my life” train of thought. When that train comes what does it carry for you?

  1. When I dream of the kind of man I want to become late at night, I think of someone who is kind, compassionate, and intelligent. I want to be someone who is always willing to help others and make the world a better place. I also want to be someone who is successful in my career and my personal life.

  2. To be a good husband one day, have healthy kids, and work a job that gives my wife the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. I think that sums up every man’s dream in life

  3. I dream of becoming an old man. A Very Fucking OLD man. Pissing off my grand kids. Getting my great grand kids to by me the drugs I never wanted to try when I was young and had something to lose. Then finally dying while climbing out a bathroom window, buck naked, hard on flapping in the breeze, shot in the back by a jealous young husband.

  4. I dream of becoming a man 100 pounds lighter.

    Barring that, I dream of waking up next to a partner who doesn’t care that I’m overweight.

  5. Comfortable in my masculinity and calm like my grandfather. He’s put up with everything and I’ve only seen the man yell one time. Want to be just like that, self restrained and calm.

  6. hopefully becoming a millionaire by age 60, I’m going to school for a job that pays upwards of 120K in the upper echelons and I’m currently making $300 a month for spending money, if all goes according to plan I should be making roughly 90K/year in 10-15 years time with a starting wage of 60K (I’m 30)

  7. It’s 1 am here. I want to be a good dad to my good children and maybe someday meet a good someone that’ll give me shit on the rockers on the front porch until I make a good exit. Life is simpler than it was before we made it hard, I suspect. My backup plan is to die on a very small boat on a very large sea.

    If you’re younger, go big places and do big things. That’s the only way we learn, I suspect. It’s the only thing that worked for me.

  8. STILL ME except I am exploring a 3 mile long starship that crash landed near my neighbourhood. (the surrounding several neighbourhoods were destroyed sadly)
    I take the technology I find and use it to wage war upon the satanic banking cartels that rule and ruin us today.

  9. I think I have become that man, but still have room to improve. I always wanted to be patient, emotionally and physically strong, and always kind. I am only human, and I do fail at times to be all of those things. I have my bad days and weeks, even months, but every year, I find myself stronger, more patient, and becoming more kind as I learn more compassion.

  10. To have enough money to afford a one bedroom house with a nice back porch.

    Covered, screened, with a bunch of comfy leather couches.

    The kind of porch you take long afternoon naps on, hang out with a few friends, make some music.

    The kind of porch that breezes want to find.

  11. The same person I am, just with more money so that I can fund my hobbies without worrying.
    Previously I used to dream about wanting to be a great husband, a great dad, but life taught me that I’m nowhere near where I’d want to be in life, for the type of women I want, so i gave up on that and decided to focus on myself.

  12. The kind of man people can trust and look up to.

    Somebody who’s there for other people.

    I do my best but I’m so goddamn tired all the time.

  13. I’m going to quit the trades at 34 and become a doctor.

    I’m tired of the long hours doing something I don’t enjoy, but only do for a check.

    I’d rather die in debt enjoying my work week, helping people, and exercising my brain.

    I’m 100% serious.

    I also want to be grey, handsome, trendy, drinking tea and watching the rain trickle out of my apartment window in Seattle.

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