yeah i dont know why, but no one i´ve ever liked has liked me back or no guys i would think were attractive in public/clubs have ever made a move on me. Adding on that, yes i have approached a few guys before even though i have a lot of social anxiety i tried to put myself out there multiple times and all times they were just nice back but no real flirting or they had a girlfriend (which i obviously respect).

I guess im just unlucky….

advice would be appreciated on why and how i can change that thankyou 🙁

\*for context im not ugly would rate myself like 7,5 obviously not the hottest but i can survive, i´m slim but not too skinny and go to the gym three times a week (maybe body dysmorphia adds to that idunno lol )

  1. Hard to say from afar. First thing that would be somewhat of a strong no for me is being overweight, as you said that’s not the case we can strike that off the list. Now thinking about what would make me *not* approach a woman in public or a club (where I’ll never be at) just makes me realize I don’t know under which circumstances I even *would* approach a woman…

  2. One of the advice you will probably get from the dudes on Reddit is to lower your standards. Fuck that. That’s just self-serving advice from guys who want you to make things easier on them. What they’re really saying is “You should lower your standards [so I’ll finally have a chance]”.

    Sis keep your chin up and don’t let these guys talk you into settling for less than you deserve, you’ll regret it the rest of your life.

  3. I don’t know what you can do because we have no clue how you look like/personality/ etc or even what type of men you like.

  4. If you’re good-looking (7.5 is definitely good-looking), a lot of guys tend to avoid you because they don’t think they stand a chance. I guess being more open to making the first move could help you out quite a bit.

  5. I always find posts like this funny. Especially the part where you OP claim you are “unlucky”. I always say this, maybe look at it from the other perspective too: the guys who are interested in you but whom you have no interest in, do you consider them unlucky or do they deserve it cause you aren’t attracted to them or do you even care?

    I’m not asking you to change your standards or anything. It would just be a fascinating thought experiment because what ever conclusion you come to, you can apply to your situation where the guys you are interested in aren’t interested in you.

    Perhaps your conclusion will help you understand that you aren’t unlucky. It’s just hard to find the right person for you sometimes. And that’s okay.

  6. Maybe tell us a little more about the type of guys you are into? What are your preferences? What would be your ideal man? And no, we are not gonna trash your preferences, if someone does tag me and I’ll come fight them, but we just want to know why these guys are not interested in you? Could it be that what you prefer might prefer a different type of girl? Just trying to help, not saying in any way shape or form to lower your standards.

  7. If you are really 7.5 you are prettier than most women, I would make a move on you if I saw you lol

  8. Men don’t approach women in public anymore so you’re wasting your time waiting for that. You can either 1. Join a club or go to a fitness class regularly or start competing 2. Get on the apps 3. Make your social media public

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