I met this guy a couple of times. Both of us made it clear that we didn’t want a relationship at the moment and were looking for something more fwb-ish.

We had sex twice, he came extremely early both times and also told me that he struggles to have sex with someone when there’s no deeper feelings involved. I accepted that, but also tried to encourage him gently since I thought it was more a matter of pressure and not so much due to a lack of connection. He once also told me that he was reading a book about how to enjoy sex more as a man and so on, so I had a feeling he was somehow struggling.

After the second attempt of having sex I told him about my feelings (that I was attracted to him but wasn’t sure about the whole thing with deeper feelings since in the beginning, both of us said we weren’t looking for something more serious). I asked him to just openly speak his mind about what he wanted, but he didn’t give me a very clear answer. Then everything slowed down, he texted me less and took longer to reply so I took a step back too. Then I decided to fresh things up by asking if we could meet again.

We did, and the strange thing is that there did seem to be attraction from both sides (kisses, cuddles etc.) but no sex. I wanted him to be the one to initiate it since he was the one with issues and not me, but he didn’t, so at some point I just went home. We did plan another date, so it’s not that he doesn’t like me.

What’s the matter though and what should I do? Initiate a honest conversation again? Last time he said that he appreciated the fact that I was being straightforward. But also, he didn’t do the same thing, so I think this time I would be left hanging with no clear explanation again. He doesn’t seem to be very good at articulating his thoughts and feelings either.

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