So I’ve had this problem for my whole life, where I’ll just say a random selection or words to make a stupid, nonsensical sentence, sometimes it can be quite offensive and I have to physically force myself not to say a slur.

Examples: “that tree tastes like salmon” “your mum’s a lesbian” “I ate my dad’s pet rubix cube”

And sometimes the same word keeps getting mentioned more frequently, like I’ve gone through phases recently of just saying the word “lesbian” in a lot of these sentences.

I can tell when I’m going to do it, but sometimes struggle to control the impulse, it only happens when I’m already in a conversation with someone I’m comfortable with. Or if I feel like I’m loosing someone’s attention in a conversation, I’ll do it.

And when I feel the urge to say something, I usually don’t know what it is I’m going to say.

I’m not that worried, I’m just confused as hell and wonder if anyone on here can help at all?

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