Me (21) and gf (21) were dating for 5 years I have always been there for her and completely loyal, apart from an incident where I caught her texting a guy early on In our relationship she has also been loyal. A month ago she was going through my phone as I let her do because I want her to trust me she found that my friend had sent me nudes of his girlfriend to show off and I had them saved in our chat. This upset my girlfriend rightfully so, and she said she wanted to break up and needed time before considering getting back together. I apologized and took full blame after giving her some space I asked if she would be willing to give our relationship another try and she agreed to start hanging out and see where things go. I had a feeling in my gut to check her phone when she wasn’t in the room and found texts with her coworker stating they had sex multiple times while we were on break. I know she was technically single but this his me hard as we were both eachothers only partners to that point, and she moved on so quickly. I confronted her saying she can go be with him and I was done with her. She began to apologize and begged me to stay with her saying she wants to start fresh. I just feel like it’s not the same and can’t get the image of her and another guy out of my head. I love her though and can’t see myself being with anyone else. I know what I did was wrong but I never thought I deserved this and don’t know what to do now

TLDR: girlfriend had sex with coworker while we were broken up for only a month and wants to get back together after I caught her (we broke up because one of my friends sent me nudes of his gf)

  1. So aside from the several incidents where she was not loyal you consider her “completely loyal.”

    Sounds like you’re letting your emotions override your logic. If this is your mindset, not sure if you’ll listen to any advice without knee-jerk replying “But I love her…” in your own mind, but here goes:

    You’re both young and immature. Given the state of your current relationship, I would suggest being single for a while, cutting off contact with her, and move on to someone else when you are ready. Because you’ll be right back in the same situation sooner rather than later, and you’ll probably catch an STD along the way.

    So, do what you like.

  2. Break off.

    She took what u did as an excuse to break up and fuck that guy.

    She has sucked him dry, they came together several times.

    And it was a break not a relationship ended.

    Concept of break is to give each other space to think about what h wanna do, not to suck ur coworker.

    U should be single for a while and u should have 0 remorse about this decision.

    It is the best decision u can take for both of u.

  3. Y’all are young and dumb and broke your relationship. Move on and be grateful for the memories and experience

  4. if a friend of mine sent me their partner’s nudes to “show off” we would no longer be friends and they’d no longer have a partner

  5. Take it from someone who was exactly in your position a few months ago, don’t take her back.

    My ex suggested a break, which I agreed to and didn’t do anything with anyone else during that time.

    The very next day, she went and slept with someone from school and kept the guy around, trying to be friends with him while she kept complaining to me that he wanted more than friends. We got back together after a month or so, but it was never the same. She kept pushing to try to open the relationship up and then after we officially split, I tried to remain cordial with her, only for her to tell me that she cheated on me the entire time we were together when I finally decided to cut her toxicity off.

  6. Just be the bigger person and move on. Why are you complaining to us about it? It sounds like both of you did some really dumb shit.

    By the way, have you thought about how your friend’s girlfriend (hopefully ex-gf) is feeling? You’re a relative stranger to her, but you saved pictures of her nude. You violated her privacy in a way no one should be violated. Have you thought about how you’re going to apologize to her?

  7. Man i miss being barely 20s and dating & thinking “man im in a mature relationship”. You’ll realize you were still a bunch of highschool kids pretty soon, and wonder why are you in an endless loop of meaningless sex and work, and lord is that it for me, oh lord gyatt dayum it give me love

  8. This is the first time I’ve heard of a guy sharing his girlfriend’s nudes. Most guys don’t even like to describe their gf naked, let alone share pictures. You need to reconsider your friendship with that guy.

    Your gf wasn’t looking for a break, she wanted a cheating pass.

  9. If it’s a dealbreaker for you, then it’s a dealbreaker for the relationship.

    You are both very young and probably very curious, best to let this one go OP.


  10. Sounds like she’s your first love. Everyone remembers their first love and they’ll always have a place in your heart but this ship has sailed and it’s time to move on.

    Your best bet is to block her social media and get some space from her then distract yourself with someone else while you rebound and recover. Then when you’re ready to get serious again use what you learned in this relationship to make the next one even better.

  11. >she found that my friend had sent me nudes of his girlfriend to show off and I had them saved in our chat. This upset my girlfriend rightfully so,

    I’m sorry but WTF

    Did your friend’s gf consent to her nudes being sent to you?

    Yeah rightfully so, you had your friends GFS nudes SAVED in your phone??

    >I had a feeling in my gut to check her phone when she wasn’t in the room and found texts with her coworker stating they had sex multiple times while we were on break. I know she was technically single but this his me hard as we were both eachothers only partners to that point, and she moved on so quickly.

    To be fair, you moved on so quickly to be saving someone else’s nudes as spank bank

    You both have questionable sexual morals, this is an equally toxic relationship. Just let it stay broken up.

  12. Im sorry, your friend sent you nudes of his GF to “show off” and you also saved them????? HUHHHH???? I’m not even gonna read the rest of this, tf?

  13. You need to lose the friend that sent you nudes you weren’t supposed to see. That is whack as fuck

  14. your gf checks your phone every month?

    your friend sent pictures of his gf’s nudes to you?

    Already wtf 😂

  15. You saved nude photos shared with you without the consent of the person depicted. You are an absolute creep, and I hope she realizes that and ditches you permanently.

  16. I don’t think you should be together if you feel the need to look through each others phones. Go find someone you actually trust. And also i really hope your friend’s gf is ok with him sending her nudes to friends.

  17. Women don’t sleep with other men when they truly love you.

    This is coming from a 28 year old woman. She doesn’t truly love you or fell out of love when she saw you saved someone else’s nudes.

    Sleeping with a coworker multiple times when she is single isn’t wrong. But it does show what you and your relationship meant to her.

    When I’m in love with someone I’m not attracted to other men. And when I was 21 I was the same.

  18. Don’t bother. You broke her trust by saving those nudes given to you by your friend. You both took a “break” from the relationship, but didn’t set any ground rules. She had sex with some dude, and now you feel she broke your trust.

    The cherry on top is that you’re both checking each other’s phones looking for infidelity. That’s not something that’s typically done in a healthy relationship. There were already trust issues.

    You both need some time and space away from each other to grow up and mature. If you’re meant to be, who knows maybe you’ll reconnect somewhere down the line. As is though, neither of you are in the right mindset or place to be in a healthy relationship with one another.

  19. More concerned about the fact your friend is a complete POS and you’re pretty much just as bad for participating in that. Maybe you two deserve each other.

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