So I’m about 30 now and I am autistic.I’ve mostly lived in the same town my whole life and I know that doesn’t help much. I have a few friends, but they generally don’t have time to hang out (work, their own lives, ect). I don’t blame them or anything. I have my boyfriend as well. I just struggle when it comes to making friends around me. I have online friends who I get along with great. I just tend to end up spending a lot of time alone whenever my boyfriend’s busy/working/enjoying his hobbies (we have some similar, but not all).

I do find a lot of comfort in my alone time. But after so much of it I tend to get lonely. I do get a lot of social interaction at work. But ultimately it’s still work and feels forced usually. I’m just struggling to find people who are like me or similar enough to be friends. I’d just love to have people invite me to go do stuff and vise versa. I’ve just had such a bad history with people who were bad friends (I know I had bad habits and stuff too that I’ve worked on a lot and am continuing to do so) that I just don’t know what to do. I’ve recently started therapy and stuff to try and address a lot of the stuff I struggle with. I guess I’m just looking for advice on meeting new people or just how to cope with the loneliness a little better until I maybe find some people. Thank you very much for your time.

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