I know I will recieve a lot of hate for this, but it is what it is.

I haven’t seen her in a while, I left my home country and we made plans and arrangements for her to come in December. But as the date gets closer I feel more and more insecure about her looks. I’m not demanding, I never asked her to lose weight, but it’s getting to a point where I don’t want my new friends to meet her.

She hasn’t been taking care of herself, even worse as she is likely to have diabetes at some point in her life. She stopped caring about her hair as well. Obviously she is extremely insecure about it anyway, and she doesn’t want me to see her in photos because of that.
Other than that she is a good person, loyal, caring, but very possessive as well (will check who I follow and give likes to in instagram, or question if I don’t have time to talk to her over the phone).

Hate me, but this is how I feel, I have already assumed that my attitude is trashy.

  1. You are attracted to what you are attracted to, but honestly, you should probably break up with her if you don’t have attraction. We all have preferences and that’s perfectly fine.

    Not judging you for the attraction, but you really need to decide if she is your long term match. It doesn’t sound like it.

  2. And your goal in telling her is what? To make her feel bad? Make her want to change to meet your standards again? Take notice of how none of this is coming from a point of concern for her physical or mental health. You are worried about your image. This post reeks of immaturity, insecurity, and selfishness. If you are no longer attracted to her, leave her. This isn’t a complex or nuanced issue lol

  3. Everyone has different preferences. You dont need to tell her your opinions on her looks but you can voice your concern about her poor hygiene and health

  4. It’s clear you dont ever like her. Break up with her so she can find someone better. Telling her wont help her and you’re just being an ass hole. If you know you’re an asshole, everyone sees you’re an ass hole, how about stop being an ass hole?

  5. Solution : Talk with her. Advise her to take care of her health.
    If she doesnt agree and she wants to live her the way she likes, then break up with her. I am telling this because, she is not ready to compromise. Atleast you are telling for her good only. But she doesnt want to do that. Today she is diabetic. Tomorrrow some other fancy diseases may start troubling her. It will indirectly affect you too.
    At the end of day your and your partner’s mental and physical health matters.

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