What activities do you engage in that helps you to maintain good mental well being?

  1. 30 minute walk in the morning.

    Maybe it’s because as a kid I always had to walk to school, but there something calming about starting the day off with a walk.

    I call it my centering technique

  2. Develop a routine that includes diet and exercise.

    Also get up with the sun. Bad sleep schedules fuck you up pretty good.

  3. I get up before/at sunrise.

    I walk 2 miles minimum more days of the week than not.

    I avoid twitter.

    Deep breathing (breathe through your nose to the pit of your stomach, expanding it out with the air, hold, breathe out through mouth) to reduce cortisol.

    None of this helps me really to drop off to sleep, but it centres me, calms me, during the day & during stress.

  4. -Doing a hard 5k to 10k run a few days a week.

    -Relaxing with a few drinks on the weekend after I’ve finished all the little things that have to get done.

    -Drinking a lot of water.

    -Jerking off less… but really taking the time to enjoy it when I do instead of mindlessly doing it in front of a screen because I’m bored.

    -Trying to stay in a positive mindframe even when things get stressful.

  5. I like to make stuff with my hands and work on my car. I’ve been making little Pokémon statues and doing body work on my car to get it ready for painting. Sand fill then sand more then fill again it’s actually kinda relaxing in a repetitive kinda way

  6. On top of the usually stuff people have already mentioned such as working out, a punching bag also helps. Not enough people have or use punching bags but they’re great stress relievers as well as a great workout. Keeping all that anger inside is definitely not good for your mental wellbeing and punching people is sadly frowned upon so punching bag.

  7. Lots of exercise. Playing guitar. Martial arts. Craft beer. Food/cooking.

  8. Keep busy in a moving sort of way.

    Keep myself and my place clean.

    Go out for a drink and just talk to folks now and then.

    If any of those habits slip I’m on the downhill and pulling out of it starts with restoring them.

  9. I do yoga and pranayams in the morning. It helps to stretch and oxiginate full body.

    I do surya namaskara,

    And anulom vilom.

    You can find these in youtube. Give it a try

    For me it takes around 20 min. And full day is just relaxing

  10. Working out in any capacity is a serotonin goldmine. Go on a walk in the morning, run a mile on a treadmill with a podcast going in the background, stuff like that. Also, food. Homemade food, not like stuff from a box that you heat up in the microwave. I have felt so genuinely happy after making a whole meal entirely on my own

  11. Stretching first thing. 10 min meditation.

    (Yoga if you have the time)

    Yoga with Adriene is great for beginners.

    bowl of porage every morning psychologically always reassures me, I’ve started the day of well too!

  12. Nobody does that. We all just watch porn and eat Cheetos. Then wonder why our dicks are orange.

  13. Run a 5k on treadmill, dumbbell curls/overheads/shoulder press, and deadlift 3x a week (I try to vary my lifts somewhat every few weeks or so), run a 10k outside 2x per week, rest for two days.

  14. I block away the outside life with soundproof headphones, listen to my favorite music and do; reading, art, writing, building/repairing things

  15. Writing songs/making music. They’re never really intended to be released I just like writing however I’m feeling whether it be from heartache, to joy, to anger, to some weird Greek myth I’m into. It helps a lot and really allows me to process whatever I’m going through

  16. I talk about everything. My filter has been removed and has been gone for a long time now. I’m not afraid to talk about whatever is building up.

    I was in a dark place a few years back and that was brought on by holding everything in for a long time on some tragedies that I had in life. Something flipped inside of me and I just said screw it – I’m fighting for me and will never stop fighting. It feels good to talk things out.

  17. Workout

    Ignore what unfuckable blobs of fat with strong views on metal health and other topics have to say

  18. Alone time

    I like my peace and solitude. In fact its quite addicting.

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