What would you think about a woman saying to you that she thinks you’re attractive or you have beautiful eyes or she likes your smile? I’ve been complimented many times by men and women on my looks and it feels great. Yes, sometimes the men do it because they’re hitting on me but a few times they did it just because. Like, they gave me the compliment and then left. Sometimes they’re people I know and sometimes they’re complete strangers. Many times I’ve wanted to compliment a man but I worry about giving him the wrong idea. I know men don’t normally get those kind of compliments as much as women do. Or maybe you do? Idk lol. What do you think about it?

  1. I wonder why she’s trying to flatter me, if it’s a stranger or acquaintance.

    If it’s a friend, it makes my day.

  2. Feels very nice, and then I wake up and realize it didn’t happen and it feels a little less nice lol

    But yeah, this is something I wager only a small minority of men will experience regularly. As you said, I think women are too afraid of men thinking they’re coming onto them to ever do it. To be honest, I’d absolutely think a woman was if she did because that’s pretty much the only time women feel comfortable complimenting men like that. Maybe something of a cycle in that sense.

    I’ve gotten a “you have nice eyes” when I was 19 and that was the only time in my entire life a woman other than my mother or my ex has complimented me lol.

  3. I’m happy but I wonder if it was just a compliment or an indication of romantic attraction. The safest option is to assume it’s just a compliment so I go with that while I wonder for the rest of my life if she was into me.

  4. It always feels like when my grandma called me handsome as a boy. I say thanks and discount it immediately.

  5. Is it a prank? Is she trying to distract me so her friend can grab my wallet from behind and run away? Is she trying to sell me some bullshit or scam me? Is she an alien that wants to use my head as incubator for its eggs?

  6. For most dudes, it’s a fairly big deal because they’re not going to get complimented by women very often. For me. It was fairly common when younger, although I still get it a little bit now

  7. We‘re very happy to receive compliments, but most men won’t think that you’re hitting on them. We will just assume that you’re nice to us.

  8. I thought, *”You’re only saying that because you’re my Mom.”*

    Outside of that, it’s never happened. But if it did, I’d think, *”I wonder what she’s wanting. I’m sure this is some kind of joke or trap.”*

  9. Nothing. Compliments about appearance are just very lazy compliments, I don’t really care.

  10. it depends on the woman and the complement.

    I get complements on my beard from both sexes not infrequently and i simply think that they like my beard. A couple times women come off disappointed when I just acknowledge the complement and carry on with my day in which case I think they might have been interested in flirting, but too late now.

    If I get a complement from a woman coworker or friend, I think they’re just trying to be nice, or return the favor as I often try to be supportive of their looks, or they think I am lacking in confidence and are trying to give me some.

    I don’t think I’ve received a non beard complement on my looks from a woman I didn’t know.

  11. Basically the only time men get compliments from women about their looks is when women are interested.

    So most men assume any woman giving them compliments is interested. It’s just how we’ve been trained.

  12. Easy… Just say, “Thank you”. I compliment men and women. It doesn’t matter. I’m an old man – 60 yo. Always loved uniqueness in people, that clothes and how they care. Just say… I like your #%#. Or your .##%% looks nice. And keep it moving.

  13. >I know men don’t normally get those kind of compliments as much as women do.

    You don’t know. It’s opposite ends of the spectrum. You’re drowning and most men are dying of thirst in a desert.

  14. I feel like the most attractive man on earth for a solid 50 minutes and then log it into my core memories for the rest of my life.

  15. I love the compliments when they happen, but watching a woman quickly look away when you catch them ogling is 100 times better.

  16. Guys rarely get compliments. I can count on one hand the number of times women have complimented me and I’m almost 30. The number of you’re curious is 4.

  17. Pretty common topic in here.

    If you’re above average, you might get a compliment. Good for you, you probably feel great when they give you one.

    Average guy? You’ll get a compliment if you’re in a relationship. Outside of one? Improbable.

    Below average guy? You’ll get talked about but not in the way you want.

    There are a few outliers – an interesting feature, tattoo or piercing. These are however outliers.

    I’m glad if you’re getting compliments. Good job.

    A cute barista once said she liked my tattoo when it was new. Felt pretty good. Before that, which was like 6 months ago, it had been about 6 years since a compliment that didn’t come from the wife and it was a gay guy who liked my boots.

  18. Definitely used to think it was some sort of set up, as that used to happen as a kid in school, but I’m getting better at taking it for what it is as I’ve gotten older.

  19. As an old married man:
    Occasionally women that I know compliment my appearance. I think it is nice and I thank them. I believe it to be sincere and I appreciate it greatly.

    When an unknown woman compliments me, a mythical occurrence of great rarity, I feel nothing but suspicion. I typically make sure I still have my wallet as I back away.

    I’m old, not fucking stupid.

  20. I’m in my mid 40s and still fondly remember an incident in 1999 of some teenage girl yelling “You’re cute!” at me as she and her friends drove past in what was almost 100% a “prank” of “I dare you to yell out to the next guy we see that he’s cute”

    That being said, in a one-on-one encounter, I’ve managed to train myself out of thinking my spouse is pranking me.

    I also fondly remember a couple of different gay men complimenting my looks too. It’s a shame I’m not gay myself, as apparently I’ve got what they want.

    Every other time a woman’s said anything about my looks, she was selling something.

    So if you want to know how often guys get compliments… there you go. Granted, I think I’m average at best, so there’s that too.

  21. Reading the comments, is this really what the boys I praise think? I’m feeling bad now, How do I prove that I don’t want anything in return or that I’m not messing with him?

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