Back story: We live together and she knows this. He use to live 1 1/2 hr away from both of us. We live 30 mins from her and have a family of our own and own our house while she is renting. He helps with their child when he is not at work through the week and weekends. He does work night shift 2 weeks out the month and travel 45 minutes to work 1 way. He spends more time with them than with our family due to his time on the road. I don’t complain, I have also offered help with their child but she fails to accept it when he tells her to reach out to me when he is not available. (No phone service at his job) he has sent her my contact and ask her to contact me for pickup she does not.

I expressed my feelings to my boyfriend telling him I find this disrespectful for her to just asked when are you moving from our home where our family is to better help with their child because she has bad management skills. She has 4 other kids by different men and has expressed to my boyfriend that he does more for his child than the others. But she still needs more. Because she has to get her other kids to sporting events and school also. I expressed that this is both their fault for having a child out of wedlock and if she wanted him closer to her than she should have made sure they would be married before falling pregnant. She also chose to move 1 1/2hr away from him originally. He moved closer due to our family and his child with her. She gets more help now than before which was every other weekend.

This is the text my boyfriend child mother sent him below.

So you just gonna stay living in pinson? I really need more help than just weekend help and sports help. School help.. Homework help.. picking up and dropping off at school will help very much too.

TDLR: Boyfriend sees no wrong doing on her part for sending this text, say she see it as she is comparing it to his previous relationship with his ex that “ oh they was together but than broke up”. I say it was disrespectful and shouldn’t have been sent because she basically insinuated our family was not as important as hers.

1 comment
  1. I mean….does your bf have an actually custody agreement with his ex? Why are you constantly talking about “help” if many of the things mentioned are actually simply actions that fall under “parenting”?

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