I (f30) get turned on a lot from peeing (mostly giving). Not in a degrading way but to include it in an intimate and sensual way. I would love to share this with my boyfriend but I don’t want him to get turned off.

We’ve been together for two years and our sexlife is amazing. I also squirt a lot and he loves it. But at the beginning of our relationship he shared his no go’s regarding sex. And he mentioned pee as one of them.

Lately my fantasy about me peeing during sex, or being watched while peeing is getting more and more present in my mind. To me it is so intimate and sensual that I would love to include this in our sexlife. But how do I bring this up when he said (2 years ago) that that was totally not his thing? I don’t want him to think I’m crazy or that he thinks less of me after I share that with him.

I even thought about doing it with somebody else, to get the expierence but I hate the thought of cheating on him.

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  2. You can still tell him that you are turned on by peeing, but you can also tell him that there is no pressure, you know that he is not into it, but if he ever changes his mind then you are more than opened to the idea☺️

    Also reassure him that him saying “no” wouldn’t affect on your relationship, so he won’t feel bad about it.

    Two years is a long time, some people kink preferences change. There were kinks I wasn’t into 2 years ago, but now, I am totally turned on by those things☺️

  3. I don’t personally have experience with this as it’s not something i’ve tried but if you’re nervous a good way to try initiate something instead of straight up saying “i have a kink” is starting off with “Would you ever consider trying…” or mentioning that you’ve been curious to experiment with it.

    If he’s previously said no you should reassure him that even trying it once would be appreciated and if he’s not into it then you’re going to have to be understanding and respect that.

    Considering he’s said no previously maybe you could start with something less intense, as i said i don’t have experience with it but perhaps in the shower? (not sure if that was obvious already aha) but atleast that way if he’s feeling unsure or nervous you can wash off and it’s over pretty quickly compared to a bedroom setting.

  4. Well all I want to say is that sometimes people have an idea of something and think they don’t want it because they only see it in that way. Like for example BDSM from the outside can look really harsh when you just think of leather and dungeons and impact play, but there’s so much more to the D/s dynamic and you can play with it in so many ways. No whips or dungeons required.

    Same with a pee kink someone might think of piss drinking or getting peed on their face, but it can also be like what you mentioned.

    I just mean he might not understand it like you do, and also people can be much less judgmental when they are thinking about it in the context of their partner vs just like random people in the world. And who knows maybe he will actually be into it.

    Either way, you have to try. Holding back pieces of yourself in a relationship is pointless once you get really close with someone. It’s hard, I know, but I would try 🙂

    Also my pee kink is really intimate for me too, that side of it is something most people don’t see.

  5. As others have said, talk to him about it.

    But also try this. Sometimes, people are more receptive to fetishes/kinks once they’ve been exposed positively to it a little first.

    Don’t make the peeing on him the first thing he’s exposed to, for someone not interested that can be quite extreme. Try, for example, giving him a blowjob while you’re on the loo, peeing. This eases in the idea/ makes it more receptive as he’ll genuinely feel good at the time by receiving pleasure. If he’s just being peed on, he’ll have to “be there” mentally to get any pleasure. But including physical pleasure simultaneously can trigger a positive response. This might be a way to break him into it.

  6. You take him into the shower and start singing to him. “Haters wanna hate, lovers wanna love. I don’t even want none of the above….”

  7. >my fantasy about me peeing during sex, or being watched while peeing

    Easy mode: Go to the bathroom while he’s getting ready in the same bathroom. Don’t make it a thing. See how he reacts.

    Hard mode: Post anonymously on r/peegonewild etc

    Also worth noting – no one is going to admit to weird kinks they’re willing to try at the beginning of a relationship. They don’t want to scare the other person off. Now that you’re 2 years in, maybe it’s time to revisit that conversation, see how you both have grown

  8. My BF likes it too. I am seriously inexperienced but I’m down for anything as long as it’s not downright disgusting to me. He brought it up once when we were naked and kissing, just before sex and I thought I have so much pee I might actually not be able to control it during so I just told him I have to pee and went to the bathroom. He followed me and kind of held the door open and just said “can I watch?”. I did have performance anxiety 😂 with him watching but it went away once I relaxed.

    Then I asked him is this something you like and he told me in detail. We still haven’t tried anything, it’s been 2-3 months since our discussion. But if he wants to, I am ok with it and that was how he brought it up. It also helps that I asked him if this was something he liked.

  9. Frankly as someone with a piss kink I always say that guys who are really into squirting just have a piss kink they don’t know about

  10. Take some showers together. State it out when your in the shower I’m sorry honey I got to pee and don’t want to get out. Do you mind if I… if it’s a problem he will get out and you know. If not bend low start peeing.

  11. I would suggest starting with asking about the one that would be easiest for him—simply watching you pee. I think there’s a spectrum here that runs from watching someone pee in a toilet to allowing them to pee in their mouth. Lots of people would be a no go but be good with the mildest stuff.

  12. I mean, if you are already squirting technically that’s peeing on him so it’s not a giant step up to tell him you want to just pee on him. You said he’s really into the squirting, so bringing up peeing should be fairly easy. Maybe have him pee on you first, unless you don’t want to be the receiver.

  13. Alot more guys have this fetisch than you might think.

    Try telling him about it. Usually it takes alot for us to get turned off on something.

  14. One idea could be that the next porn you watch with him includes peeing. See how his reaction is.. honestly, based on my experience if he loves it when you squirt then i think he wouldn’t mind when you pee during sex.. alternatively do it in the “soft way”. take with him a shower and pee during the shower while he stays in front of you, maybe soaping you. With this he may feels not so disturbed since there is anyway water coming from the top..

  15. Just tell him that squirt is just pee anyway. If he’s ok with squirt then he’s already enjoying the pee.

  16. Lots of good advice in here about presenting it in a way that’s not pressuring him. But given the fact that you’ve had thoughts of cheating, just to experience this kink, suggests to me that it’s pretty important to you (and I get it – your first paragraph is why I like it – it’s a very bonding, sensual experience with my partner).

    So you may want to express that this is something you really want to experience, but you understand it’s not his thing. But maybe there’s a middle ground that he’d be ok with. For example, what about just having a shower together and while you squat and give him a blowjob, you’re also peeing down the drain. That way, he’s still involved, but not personally experiencing the pee himself. There’s a lot of things you could do like that, which would allow him to be involved but still distance himself from it.

  17. I already upvoted the best answer (currently the most upvotes)… but I wanted to emphasize two other things.

    1) I really believe that if you express how much it turns you on, he is likely to think it’s similar enough to squirting to try it. And he’ll like it. But def agree with the “no pressure” part

    2) As a guy who loves to receive in the exact intimate, non-humiliation way you like… HYDRATE! I mean drink a lot, pee, drink some more. It’s possible to make it almost tasteless. I know from experience. For me, it’s all about the act, not the strong taste.

    Good luck!

  18. I think he will be into it if he is in to you squirting. If you want to practice send me a video I can give you notes on your form 😜

  19. When people have a kink that they NEED fulfilled because they can’t get it out of their mind, they usually start looking for another outlet just as you mentioned about yourself. You have to be honest with him and let him know how much you desire it. Go slow and hopefully he will come around to it. I share your same kink btw, and nothing is sexier than watching a girl pee. So don’t feel bad, you’re not alone. We all have our kinks.

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