If you could change history with your time machine, what would you do?

  1. I dropped my Starbucks Egg Bite on the floor yesterday. I’d totally go back and stop that shit from happening.

  2. I’d introduce germ theory thousands of years ahead of schedule and fasttrack the development of medicines and sterilization techniques.

  3. Since the butterfly effect terrifies me, I’ll just go back far enough to win that like half a billion lottery from a few weeks ago.

  4. I’d go back and have Karl Marx keep his thoughts to himself. Communism and the fight against it has cost millions of lives, the cold war, and the development of huge nuclear arsenals (which may prove to be the death of us all at some point in the future).

  5. I would want to see the Ancient world. Jerusalem, Babylon, Rome, Athens. Can’t think of anything to change per se.

  6. Make a different species the dominant life form on earth. Hunt the humans for sport, etc.

  7. In my feed this was right below a meme about Human Centipede so…I think I’d start there

  8. Tell Stalin about all the shit Khrushchev pulled after his death so he could prevent the collapse of the Soviet Union.

  9. I’d go homestead a shit ton of valuable land. And buy Microsoft and FB and Amazon stock.

  10. Not move to Australia this year. Biggest downgrade in my life. The people are shit and it’s boring. Flying anywhere is a long haul trip. And it’s basically been annexed by China.

  11. I’d do two things:

    First, go back to 1914 to prevent the assassination of Francis Ferdinand and prevent World War I from happening.

    Second: I’d invest in every single company and earth changing technology between now and then. I’d be the richest man in the USA

  12. Ehhh go into the future maybe get some cool powers, if not then the last moments of earth before the sun swallows it

  13. Every beautiful chic of the decade, going back in history. That’s what I’d do.

    Skipping the family ties ofcourse.

  14. That all depends on what kind of time travel I would be dealing with. Do I get to benefit from the changes or is it more of a butterfly effect? If I get the benefits then I would buy into Facebook and online gambling not to mention only fans. If it’s more of a butterfly effect then something way back in time but significant like talking over California during the gold rush or mercing a king’s advisor in just before a war or revolution break’s out.

  15. Prevent my mom and dad’s relationship. Her whole life was wasted with him and she is tormented by that truth daily.

  16. I’d go back to 5th November 1955 – in time for the Enchantment Under the Sea dance.

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