One of our first non serious fights and nearly a decade later it still hasn’t concluded. How do you fold your towels? For your first fold. I do hot dog, hamburger, hamburger to make a perfect square. My wife does 3 hamburgers.

Main difference in my opinion is that when you pull one out one is folded ready to go on a towel rack with another towel (Hotdog) and the other is ready to be thrown only towel that fits in a rack ( hamburger)

  1. Widest way down to a quarter then the other way down to a third. I don’t know what it’s called though. Burrito?

  2. I fold them the long way in 3rds, then in half, and in half again because they look nice on the towel rack.

  3. >Do you fold towels hotdog or hamburger?

    Who cares?

    The real question is: should toilet rolls have bangs or a mullet?

    The answer is bangs.

  4. I never thought of how the hotdog fold would be more practical! Huh. Never crossed my mind but I might try it.

    As is, always hamburger, hotdog, hamburger to make a squarish.

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