I’m autistic

I freak out when people approach me in any aggressive or angry way in public. I just start screaming “get away from me” until they leave. I’m working on it with my therapist.

HOWEVER, in the meantime would it be completely inappropriate to record myself or my husband saying a statement about my inability to deal with confrontation and asking the person to please leave me alone or else I’ll go to management/police depending on the severity of the situation.

These situations happen fairly regularly because I misinterpret may common situations and end up pissing people off. I want a way to deescalate the situation without relying on my own brain at a moment of stress.

What do you think? Would this make things worse? I would just tell the person hold on for a second then get my phone out and play the recording.

1 comment
  1. If you can get an item that would be faster to access the recording on than a phone, that may be better.

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