My dad (m68) and I (f30)/my sister (f27) are in the middle of a large argument. We literally never argue in this way, there’s always an undercurrent of unhappiness, but never to this extent. My dad chose to do something wrong, and my sister and I are upset about it. My sister doesn’t live at home, but I do. Of course that makes things more tense for me and him. Unfortunately he also has covid right now, part of the reason for this argument due to how he’s handling having it. Meaning we can’t really have too many in-person interactions right now.

Last night I sent him a text saying: “Hi Padre, I just wanted to let you know from afar that I know things are weird right now but I do still love you and we all just need time. Being sick sucks, and I hope you start feeling better soon~ 🌸 Love you!”
He replied back: “Thx”

I feel like I’m going crazy. In these types of fights, is it still important to let the family member know that you still love them despite the division? Or did I do something wrong by sending such a message? His reply just threw me so hard that I don’t know anymore if that was the right thing to say. Send halp please so my mind can stop swirling the tiniest bit. I’m not used to such intense fights, so I’m not entirely sure what to do.

  1. That’s a very mature thing to send. First off good on you.

    Second, he might still be mad but him saying thx is basically him communicating love from a frustrated position.

    I think you should be ok, just wait for things to cool

  2. I think you did a good thing reaching out. He appreciated it.

    Also keep in mind you’re all adults. Even if you disagree, you can’t really dictate what other adults do. You’ve spoken about your feelings. Now is the time to let it go.

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