A few people put an invitation to a Halloween party on the main group chat of my college course. Problem is, the inner clique uses that group chat to arrange meet-ups a fair amount – and assumedly they don’t mean all 100+ of us, as there’s about 20 who speak regularly on that chat. It sounds like such a stupid question, but would it be weird for me to show up to that party not knowing the hosts? It seems like everyone who replied that they’d go already knows each other. I know a couple people in the inner circle and though I’m fine being outside of it and I have other friends, I’d love to hang out with those on my course more. It seems like the ideal setting to get to know some people from my course. But would you find it weird if someone whose name you barely knew showed up to your party? Should I message first to see if it’s okay, or is that even more awkward?

Social anxiety is shit.

  1. Sure if you wanna go just send em a message and ask if you can show up. Any person with decent manners will definitely let you in, and may in fact even introduce you to others. Don’t waste this opportunity that you have.

  2. The idea of an inner circle is an illusion. If you keep placing so much emphasis on the inner circle, you’ll always be an outsider.

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