So I checked this guy’s instagram following and I only saw half naked models, some posting sexual content, some have links to their OF. Not only follow, he likes almost every posts and videos of them. Is it a turn off? Can he be satisfied with one girl if he is consuming this type of content daily in his feed? What does it tell about the guy ? Can you see him as potential partner ?

All can answer but specially men, what do you think about the other men who do this and why they do this ??? What does this behaviour tell about them??

EDIT : I hooked up with this same guy once, but he never saw me again. I felt bad about myself when I found out he used Viagra ( maybe due to his some personal problems like excess masturbation, idk much about it)and followed explicit accounts and naked models.

I noticed he liked pictures from these accounts regularly, and it made me uncomfortable. When I asked him about it, he said, “They’re showing it, so why not look?”

This whole situation made me feel like he’s shallow and not interested in genuine connections. I believe he has a problem, not me. He’s 27 and i am 24 and it’s affecting my self-esteem also.

  1. Personally? It would be a turn off. I would find it to be in the same vein as a man who has naked women posters hanging on his living room wall. Do straight men like looking at half naked women? Of course. Do they need to broadcast it in every day life? I don’t think it is very mature to do so.

  2. It tells me he’s not taking the time to get to know women and he’s worships pure vanity. Not a good look.

  3. As a man I think it’s creepy as fuck. Borderline pathetic.

    Guys following countless “models” and only fans girls, carpet bombing comments like “😍😍😍 oh wow ❤️❤️🥵🥵” across hundreds of profiles and photos. It’s sad.

  4. Definitely not worth it. His views on intimacy and sex are already distorted, don’t waste your time there. Completely turn off.

  5. I seriously wonder how men would feel if a woman was friends with a ton of guys with “perfect bodies” and huge dicks in speedos.

  6. I was in a relationship with two men who were like this. It’ll never get better girl. RUNNNNNNN

  7. It shows you that he has very singular interests. I would be very quickly bored by such a man. I wouldn’t expect much in the way of respectful behavior, interesting conversation, or adventure of any kind.

  8. I had an ex that was like that, that’s why he is my ex now,it’s unacceptable for me

  9. Truth is he cannot be satisfied by one woman he most likely has a porn addiction and I’ve known several guys like this. They’re gross only see women as objects and act like they’re entitled to your body.

  10. It’s a turn off for me. Because we have limited time in as day. If he spends his precious time watching semi nude women I would assume his priorities don’t align with what I would desire from a man.

  11. I date women, but if I saw a girl I was interested in did the same thing, it would be kind of a red flag for me and a big turn off as well. I would try to steer clear.

  12. As a guy, I’d think he is a pervert. Too much sex, too much thinking of sex, lusting, etc. makes your mind this way. Probs sees women as an object or means to an end, his end if you know what I mean.

  13. It’s definitely a turn off. I don’t know but it feels kind of embarrassing. Like don’t you know anyone see this? Porn is more private

  14. I dated a guy who did this exact behavior. When confronting him, I was told how insecure I was. So, don’t ignore the feeling that behavior gives you. Talk to him about how it makes you feel. If he tells you, you’re this and that all putting you down. Say bye. It’s borderline porn and obviously this guy doesn’t see what’s right in front of him. It’s a huge turn off because you’re always going to feel like he’s comparing you to these other women.

  15. It says a lot about the man, and it’s not a good look. You’ll get some folks that will vigorously defend it, but that’s because they are struggling with it and don’t even realize it. They go to great lengths to normalize the behavior, despite the fact it is nothing but damaging to their ‘actual ‘sex life.

    You’re honestly better off avoiding a man who uses social media in this manner because you’ll never be able to compete with or beat out these girls. He’ll be gazing the endless stream of content, unwittingly training his brain to associate pleasure with heavily curated images.

    Imagine a world where men would prefer to masturbate to IG models than have sex with their RL girlfriend in the next room. Yeah…that’s where we are now.

    The bottom line is that these images have a very powerful effect on men, and they easily become addicted, although few will ever be able to admit that.

  16. will not date a guy whos follow list and like history proves him to be a perv. No thanks, NEXT

  17. It’s a huge turn off but most especially if he tells me that I can’t post half naked pictures too. My ex got upset with me when I posted a photo of myself in a bikini (it was a provocative photo) but I pointed out that he follows half naked women on IG. He said I was doing it for attention 😂

  18. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. My fellow dudes who fall into the instathot and OF trap are weak.

    They spend all that time scrolling and sometimes paying to see hottie thotties, but could be using that time to put in effort for the real thing.

    It’s also hilarious since most of these accounts have their communications run by guys now as well. Sort of as a buffer to avoid having to deal with creeps all day. So these guys are DMing the hot instagram girl, and another guy is replying to them.

  19. I feel like tons of guys do it. So I play their game I follow tons of extremely attractive good looking men with tattoos and muscles and everything that they’re not. We both can look at better 😂

  20. Commenting from male perspective. That should not be tolerated from a woman. Just because porn/masturbation addiction is super common & normalized among men doesn’t mean it’s okay or mean it won’t have detrimental effects in relationships. As a man who’s been exposed to it all from a young age, porn addiction robs you of your manhood and you’re a slave to it. You don’t view women the same and it makes you a fraction of the man you should be. If he’s someone you care about, bring it up and let him know you want him to kick this. If he’s unwilling he’s not worth it.

  21. He’s a degenerate, leave. I was talking to a guy and had the same issue and I questioned the way he saw women. Frankly, it’s the biggest turn off ever and I find it to be a disgusting quality in a man.

  22. Nope get rid of him. The fact that it’s not even just a follow is even worse. It just says he objectifies women and most of the time these guys aren’t even interested in irl women it’s super weird. Like the internet ladies are realer than reality now. I don’t have anything against content creators, but it’s just the m3n thing lmao but I think they would be this way anyway just cause of internet corn

  23. It’d be a turn off, I doubt the guy sees any woman he’s with or checking out beyond the feelings of lust. That’d get uncomfortable real quick.

  24. If I start talking to a guy and his following page is full of women like that, I deadass stop/don’t follow him. Major red flags. I think it’s kind of gross, want to see that? See it in private, there’s no need to showcase that in your every day life.

  25. Huge turn off. Makes him seem unavailable, desperate and with unrealistic expectations to the female body. I don’t know how to explain it properly

  26. Red flag. Don’t even think that man can be your partner. He gonna cheating you sooner or later.

  27. Yea it’s a big turn off and for your sake don’t entertain him.

    The men who follow “thirsttraps” are just thirsty looser desperate for any sexual gratification. These men have no sexual standard, boundaries or self-respect so they down to drool over any women down to show some body.

    Not only these men are as loyal as their opportunities but also tend to be porn sick. They are so desensitized by porn that their brain can’t help but seek sexual gratification from anywhere they can get it. Don’t expect a man who doesn’t have enough self-respect to drool over random thirstraps to ever give you the respect you deserve in relationship

    Btw, if you want to know how these type of men are as potential partner in a heterosexual relationship then you need to listen especially to the women.

  28. This is one of the many reasons I sent my son’s father packing (literally). He would be on IG all day everyday liking all these females who he claimed were “models” and visited their OF. I started modeling and had similar photos you know how many times he liked them? None. Yet he didn’t hesitate to say ” I don’t really care about lingerie” when I would send him pics of me in it all the while liking “models” in lingerie. In retrospect that should have been one of my red flags.

  29. Pass. In my experience, not trustworthy men or they have weird ideas about women’s’ bodies accompanied by porn addictions. There’s a whole lot of men out there not obsessed with half naked/naked women so I’d rather just pursue that.

  30. I’ve had a bf who did this.
    I told him to delete insta..he said he uninstalled the app but his following count still kept going up. I called him out about lying to me.

    That was a clear sign that I wasn’t enough for him. He went as far as saying someone hacked his account and was following the accounts.

    Like, he clearly didn’t want a serious relationship.
    It’s a huge turn off

  31. I don’t care what people look at in their free time, but someone who uses IG to only follow adult content on their public account tells me that they have few interests and have a one track mind. It also tells me they’re not very smart because using their public insta for that stuff means their mom, boss, whoever knows exactly what they’re into.

  32. I’m a dude and think it would be off putting, during lockdown I also ended up following a bunch of them and once the world reopened and I came to my senses I went through and purged my following list lol.

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