Hey guys I could use some advice. I [21M] took [22F] bowling for our second date.

Even with my lack of experience in dating, I made a big effort to make it fun and we flirted a lot, and I even kissed her at one point.

Afterwards, I asked if she wanted to hang out at my place to play video games and watch a movie.

She agreed and we went to my place. During the movie I attempted to put my arm around her. She leaned into me for a second, then very quickly looked uncomfortable and got up.

Of course, I moved my arm afterwards. I didn’t attempt to make another move because she was sitting uncomfortably for the remainder of the movie.

I then drove her home, on the way to her house I said I was sorry if I made her uncomfortable. She laughed and playfully said I shouldn’t feel that way and she wasn’t uncomfortable. Before she left my car I went for the kiss. She kissed me back passionately 3 times and said “we’ll have to go bowling again.”

I texted her that night joking about her beating me in bowling and jokingly sent her a video game tutorial for the game I beat her in.

It’s been almost 3 days and no response. Should I just try and set up another date?

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