I’ve been dating this guy for 6 months who’s obviously into anal, won’t stop licking it and keeps saying how he wants to stretch it out and the tongue already in feels so weird and not pleasurable…I don’t know if it’ll be an issue for him but I have no idea how to tell him I am just not into it, I feel like he’ll leave me over it bc he’s a porn addict and only watches anal porn.

  1. Well, if somebody leaves you because you don’t want them licking your asshole then are they really somebody you wanna be around anyway? It’d be a great test of if he respects you and your boundaries.

  2. God, my first boyfriend was the exact same.

    The more we started to have sex, the more he’d ask for anal. If I said no, he’d beg and beg until I’d reluctantly give in. I never liked it and he knew that. It made me physically and emotionally uncomfortable but it was no issue for him.

    Then came a point where he was done with my rejections. He pushed me down onto the bed and held both my wrists with one hand while he tried inserting himself with the other. No lube. I asked and begged for him to stop but he ignored me. He didn’t even look at me.

    He instead kept trying to put it in, but it popped to the side each time. When I finally freed one hand, I slapped him across the face with it. Only then did he seem to snap back to his senses, and he apologized as he got off me. We couldn’t have been older than 16.


    Point is: be very, very careful. Tell him you’re not into it. If he leaves, let him. Porn addiction can poison the brain. As someone with firsthand experience of having a partner with a porn induced anal fetish, it sucks. If you’re not comfortable, anal hurts, feels humiliating and embarrassing, and can make sex feel like a damaging ordeal alltogether.

    Be honest and don’t do things that you’re not comfortable with. It will only escalate.

  3. Don’t let him leave you because you wouldn’t do anal with him. Leave him because he is sexually assaulting you (assuming he knows you hate the tongue business)

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