So I (22 M) am going to break up with my Gf (21 F)

We have been together for 2 months now and I feel that we don’t have any chemistry between us and no common interests and no matter how hard I try we can barely keep a convo flowing.

But she has no friends and she is head over heels for me and she is going through depression because of her family , but I don’t see it working out and I feel guilty
Am I terrible person for breaking up?

Tl;dr I am going to break up with my gf of 2 months due to lack of chemistry and common interests and she is going through a lot am I a terrible person?

  1. I don’t think you should feel bad. Ultimately its ok to feel compassion because she’s not doing great but continuing the relationship if you’re not clicking is worse for both of you

  2. You are not a terrible person for breaking up. It’s actually kinder to do it soon rather than to drag it out. Her situation is unfortunate, but you can’t have a good relationship out of pity for someone. This relationship isn’t working, so free both of you to have a chance of finding somebody it does work with. Will she hurt? Yes, of course. But that isn’t because you are doing anything wrong.

  3. Dude, it was 2 months.

    It may seem like the end of the world for her now if she was that infatuated (no other word for it for only two months of dating) but she will get over it.

    Don’t be cruel to her in the aftermath obviously, but if it’s not working for you then you have to do what’s right for you. You can’t compromise your happiness for hers at this stage. In marriage? Sure, all about compromises and teamwork but that’s a relationship that should have been tried and tested before and is serious and committed. When you’re 22, commitments to people (relationships/friends) will, sadly, blow in the wind with a lot of fair weather relationships/friendships. Your interests will sway as well.

    The mortgage rates have had more movement and development in 2 months than your relationship could have ever had. That’s not a slight to you in the least, it’s just the truth.

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