I have always thought it was stupid. (Everyone has their thing).

Here is my reasoning: Social stigma has always labeled anyone who had sex “too early” as loose and if they have sex too soon that they are desperate, lack good decision making, being used, or just plain “slutty”.

What people fail to realize is that the time frame it takes to have sex with a partner does not determine anyone’s virtue. A guy can sit there for months biding his time and then you finally have sex and he leaves you. On the flip side you can have sex on the first date and have a prosperous relationship.

This is obviously dependent on the individual and everyone has different standards on sex. I just don’t agree with the notion that it’s a requirement to make someone wait for months on end when you’re clearly interested just for intimacy. A persons character won’t change based on sexual time frame. There are a lot of prudent factors that are ignored that determine a persons virtue. I could go on more, but I’m not trying to type a novel and want to keep things surface level just to see what everyone’s take on this is.

1 comment
  1. You already say it yourself, different people want different things. What is normal for one person, will be extreme for another,a nd vice versa. Unfortunately, you can never tell beforehand which one it will be. The big question is, what do you want for yourself, and for your future partner? Let’s make an example and say hooking up for you is a 3rd date thing at best. Well then just go with that, until you find someone who is also like that, with all the qualities you’re looking for. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter what everyone’s take is on it, what is yours?

    Best of luck!

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