How long did it take you to find your dream job?

  1. I never did. Needed a Master’s and PhD and couldn’t get where we live. We had two little ones and I put my dreams on hold for them. Now they are adults and have been a SAHM for 10 years (we had another one when the oldest was 10). I guess my dream job morphed into being a mom and I wouldn’t change a thing.

  2. College helped MASSIVELY with this, once I got 2 degrees towards my dream job I applied to a job in my dream country

    And they took me, despite having only basic experience in the field.

  3. way too long. I did what others thought I should do for far too long. I’ve been living my dream job/life for the last year. I’m a podcaster.

  4. 10 years. I had a blissful 1.5 years until the new CEO decided to ruin everything. Now my dream job has become a nightmare

  5. If I don’t pass the bar exam again, my dream job (lawyer) might be unobtainable but I’ve been having a lot of fun working in a museum in my hometown.

  6. 22F here. My dream job has always been housewife/stay at home mom. I became a full time housewife in May and then a mom on the 7th. My wedding anniversary is on the 23rd so almost 4 years lol. 100% worth the wait 😍😊

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