People always assume I’m pissed off or upset when i could be in the best mood ever. Im told I need to “smile more”. I feel like everyone around me just thinks im a miserable fucker. I think the reason I don’t smile often is because when I was a kid my teeth got really crooked and f’ed up. I’ve had them fixed for years now but I guess the insecurity still lingers.

  1. Lol i have this too. Even though i bust out laughing at stupid shit more than anybody ppl still think im miserable because of it. Fuck em🤪

  2. I have always had the same problem, especially at jobs. My coworkers would always assume I was stuck up and thought I was better than everyone because of it, but in reality I’m just shy and anxious and don’t know what to say to people lol.

  3. I never smiled bc my teeth were jank. Took years to get over it. Wifey has bitchy resting face and after years and years of knowing her I still worry if she’s pissed all the time bc she ain’t smiling. But, we love each other and it works. Learn to smile bc it’s important and who tf cares what your teeth look like, but also don’t if you’re not actually happy and feeling like it. Either way, your face is fine.

  4. I decided I wanted to look a bit softer. So I smile a little. And then my husband wanted to know why I was smirking. Yeah, I don’t know how to smile with my eyes so they probably look crazy when I ‘smile’. Back to resting bitchface.

  5. It helps to practice your smile. Sounds weird but nevertheless. Also, before you go out, listen to a song that makes you feel good. It’ll be easier to smile.

  6. Me too and I have so much sadness. I dont want to repel anyone especially people that I like

  7. So, how about beating them to the punch, when they see you, or you walk in somewhere, or approach people, you say “yes, this is my happy face, I’m actually giddy right now”, then smile so they know you’re not being aggressive or defensive? Wear it, own it. And love it. YOU Love yourself, first snd foremost.

  8. This could be something I wrote. Been a huge problem my whole life. Rbf makes it so much worse

  9. I’m sorry this is happening to you. Try looking in the mirror to see if you can soften your look. Maybe your eyebrows furrow and you don’t notice. Maybe your lips are pressed tightly together. Keep practicing your smile, try smiling at a stranger.

  10. FUck them. I’ve always been told I had resting bitch face or ” pretty but unapproachable” and let me say it works in my favor, people my age look rough, but due to not making big smiles unless something makes me laugh which isn’t often as I have a very dark sense of humor, I now don’t have a lot wrinkles actually the only wrinkles ai have at all are around my neck yes from squinting because I have terrible eyesight even with classes but botox can fix that when I am older. I am almost 40 and I don’t look it thanks to staying out of the sun, not over indulging in booze and keeping my face with resting bitch face. Let them talk shit you will enjoy the rewards and nobody says you have to talk or animate with every person, I keep that shit for people I like and everyone else gets a “hmm or that’s nice.”

  11. If it really bothers what people say work on a half smile. I saw this on full house when I was younger and practiced it in the mirror now for pictures and stuff I will raise my left eyebrow and smile with my right side of my mouth. It look a little evil or flirty but it’s the face I give, I’m a female and it works well for me, you just practice in the mirrow until you a look that can mean freaking anything because it’s a half smile. This way you can give out your planned looks when you feel you want to show more but aren’t sure how to do it. I’ve spent years practicing on how to look and what to do in social situations because I never really know so a little practice can really help and make you feel more confident in the long run, but honestly you don’t need it S. Remember resting bitch face means less wrinkles!

  12. This was and is me to a T. Years ago, I basically turned it to my advantage for a defense mechanism. If they are willing to try to break through that and learn I’m actually the type to give the shirt off my back instead of a bia bia like first assumption, right on. If they aren’t willing then I can thank them for not waisting either of our time.

  13. I’ve had “you looked like you were pissed off”, or “you looked like you were crying?”. I’ve had an old guy yelling at me to smile “because he was a paying customer”. It was Mardi Gra night, I was working in a bar picking up glasses, getting shoved and felt up. No mood to smile. I also had another old guy to smile. I was carrying two bags of 10kg cat litter. Also, not in the mood to smile. So what my face is different when I’m walking alone to when I’m talking to someone I know. I’m not going to smile at everybody like a fucking idiot. I do smile, I get compliments on it and I’ll smile at only those I want to smile at, thanks very much. Also, if anyone sees me smirking at you, it means I’m telling you to fuck off, kindly.

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