Hey, my boyfriend and me have been in a long term (7+ years) long distance relationship.

Being in LDR whenever he comes to town (after every 3-4 months for a few days or a week) we spend a lot of time together (we both stay with our respective families). Even in LDR we talk almost everyday, on chats or calls even if just for 5 mins.

This time when he came, we met 2 times, both times amazing, nothing bad happened. Last we met he told me his brother’s eye got injured so everyone is little worried at home, we got a little drunk and he drove back home. I messaged and called him a lot of times to know if he reached safely but he didn’t reply. Next whole day he didn’t reply or pick up too, and only the day after he replied back saying he slept that day and next day he was busy in office work and hospital visit. I was angry that he could have atleast informed but thinking he’s in stress I let it be.

Then again for a few days, no message came from him, I only messaged to know if all is fine, he just said yeah brother is recovering well and we had a quick 5 mins chat. Again he disappeared after that, I sent a message few days later, no reply for 2 days. That’s when I told him that even if he’s busy or stressed he shouldn’t ghost me like that, it takes 2 mins to send a message or he can tell me if he needs space I won’t message him.

He replied (again 2 days later) that work is a lot right now, plus he feels weird and restricted in life and wants some space for himself. I asked what’s wrong he can share but he said there’s nothing to share as such. He also said he’s not coming online a lot, he thought I will call or come home. I was like I did call you, you didn’t pick up and when his brother was sick he only told me don’t come.

We made a plan to meet that evening but I only had to text back and ask about the plan details, ofc he didn’t reply. I called finally he picked up and said yeah let’s plan now. I got really pissed by then that he cannot take accountability for even meeting and cancelled the plan. Told him he needs space so he can take it I won’t message.

To be honest, I am definitely very attached to him, talking to him is a daily habit, but I don’t know how to handle this. I don’t want to be the one initiating contact again and again but I do miss and care for him too. It’s been almost 2+ weeks of this. Also I don’t think it’s anything related to breakup or cheating because he isn’t very actively talking to friends or being on social media too.

TLDR: Boyfriend has not been initiating contact or responding to communication for almost 2+ weeks, how to handle this situation

1 comment
  1. Uhhh, go to therapy?

    You have attachment issues, and seemingly give more energy to the situation as he adds some distance. Let it cool off, and if things pick up again then that’s great. And if no, well, that’s the end of it.

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