Curious how many people here think that they can determine whether to date someone based solely or even mainly on their astrological sign.

Versus cringing and quickly noping people who lead with their sign.

Edit: A number of people seem frustrated that astrology isn’t being taken seriously here. I made a followup post below where you are welcome to guess my sign to prove astrology is accurate. After 30 guesses, I’ll reveal my sign and add it here, along with the results. Have fun.

  1. I’m not that into star signs.
    I think it’s a very funny coincidence that the majority of my friends are Capricorns or Sagittarius.

    And the majority of “bad” people that I’ve dated have been Geminis.

    Not saying it means any more than a coincidence but it certainly makes me think twice when I match with yet another Gemini.

  2. I’ve always been interested in reading about astrology but don’t use it to determine relationships or other aspects of my life

  3. Just tell them you get it completely. Something like,

    “I get it completely. I too have preferences; for example, I don’t date Cancer”

  4. Just as cringey as anyone who believes in religion, which astrology pre-dates and is (objectively) the basis of.

  5. Yes I can actually!!!! If they put their star sign in their bio, I swipe left.

  6. The only thing worse than people who take horoscopes seriously are the people who make hating it a personality trait.

  7. Whenever someone tells me their astrological sign, I have to look it up and then guess what they’re alluding to.

    Do you think I know the characteristics of a Leo? I don’t even know my sister’s phone number without looking it up.

  8. Nobody talks about how the vast majority of people with this attitude about horoscopes and astrology are women

    Men absolutely have their own ridiculous things, but this one is shockingly like 90 percent or above women

  9. I personally feel there is no scientific merit to astrological signs being determining factors of your personality traits. On the other hand, I don’t give people shit about it. It’s like religion. It’s all fairy tales and comic book super hero fiction, but some people believe in that stuff. Who am I to disagree?

  10. I put it in the same category as zillow prices on houses, Briggs Meyer stuff, enneagram testing, buzzfeed quizzes etc as well as a bunch of other stuff I’m not into but will entertain, “for entertainment purposes only.”

  11. Oh, I have fun with these.

    I wait until they ask me for my sign, and I answer “I don’t know”.

    When they ask me for my birthday, I’m like “I was too little, can’t remember”

    Confusion ensues.

  12. I’m totally cool with bringing it up in fun, and if we’re getting along I think it can be fun to look at provisional compatibility (keeping in mind that it is nonsense)…. but the situation you describe- ‘I’m this way because of my sign, obviously.’

    That’d be a no from me, dawg

    I don’t even really know what my sign means, so when I say ‘in fun,’ I mean VERY light.

  13. I would never go out with someone who’d judge me for my zodiac sign. Sure it’s fun to giggle about, “ooh you’re a cancer, you like to think about people”. But actually generalizing and making judgements? Utter stupidity

  14. Then they’re not for you

    Why has online dating created this atmosphere where we have to comment on the lives of people we clearly wouldn’t date, or wouldn’t date you?

  15. As a capricorn i don’t believe star signs has any affect on your life

  16. I once was having a good date with a girl , and asked for my sign , which we are not “compatible” , but we were having such good time that started calculating other shit , my rising stuff , asked the timeI was born , no idea of that ;just because wouldn’t believe we were not compatible.

    Stop judging wether we are compatible or not based on that , your not seeing we are having a good time !

    Decided not to move forward with that girl because of that . Was a bit weird honestly , can’t imagine making decisions in life based on that .

  17. It boggles my mind that in the current state of dating, which we ALL agree is pretty garbage, people are willing to completely discount a whole section of the potential dating pool because “scorpions don’t get along with aquariums”. Y’all goofy

  18. It’s not a deal breaker but if some girl puts a lot of value into it I’m on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  19. It’s a bunch crap, even more so if used to justify shitty behavior. (I.e. I can’t help it, I’m a Pisces 🤪)

  20. I have a story for you

    I used to believe in astrology, I decided that I want to open an Instagram account. I was collecting some information from different blogs and sites and then posting it, my account did so well I had 100k within 1,5 years I think. After that, I got busy with life, and I didn’t have the time to put the same effort I used to put before into research. I didn’t want to lose the engagement because I wanted to sell the account eventually. I started to bullshit people with posts I’ve written myself, Now I’m not an astrologer but I have good writing skills in my native language, I kept trying not to be harsh on zodiac signs so I wrote things I know people will like. that helped my account better than the “real” astrology posts. people engagement was crazy, I end up gaining 150K more followers in a roughly short time.

    What I’ve learned from that experience is whatever you write about zodiac signs can’t go wrong, people will agree and disagree but they will try so hard to make the information fit their personality even when I completely made it up.

  21. I like astrology for entertainment purposes. I also like tarot cards for the same reason. It’s just fun. The minute you start rationalizing these things and using them as ways to live your life is where I stop seeing it as fun and start to question your judgement.

    I wonder is you’ve ever heard of James Randi. He loved proving so-called psychics and mediums and mentalists wrong. I think you’d love him. Unfortunately he died a few years ago. There was a documentary about him called “An Honest Liar” I watched several years ago that helped you see not only his life’s work but who he was a person. I highly recommend it.

    Just for fun, I’d guess your a Taurus because you seem stubborn af. Lol.

  22. Plus, the constellations have moved since their original meanings were determined, but the majority of people (who I have encountered) who believe in astrology DON’T use the dates/constellations for where they were when the people were born. So they’re going around claiming the position of the stars at their birth have such a huge impact on them, BUT IGNORE THE FACT THAT THEY AREN’T USING THE CORRECT CONSTELLATION.

    If the position of constellations at your birth has ANY impact on your life (beyond a negligible gravity effect), then wouldn’t you want to base your beliefs off the most up to date star charts?!

  23. This reminds me of that Orville episode where people were granted status under what star constellation they were born,was right crazy.

  24. It’s garbage. If someone bases their entire existence around it or chooses dating partners / friends based on it then I wouldn’t bother. I prefer people who have an actual personality.

  25. >I made a followup post below where you are welcome to guess my sign to prove astrology is accurate. After 30 guesses, I’ll reveal my sign and add it here, along with the results. Have fun.

    That’s not how astrology works, bro who thinks they’re better than people who like astrology.

    You’d give your date of birth, exact city/town of birth, and time of birth if you wanted an accurate read.

    If you know anything about astrology which you don’t, Scorpio does have what I would call an unfair rap. So do some others, but Scorpio is usually in the top 3 of signs people seem to love to hate for reasons.

  26. I would swipe left sooner on someone who thinks there is a god that they actively need to pursue a relationship with.

    The zodiac doesn’t usually incite people to claim hateful shit is somehow morally upright. I’ll take an astrologer over a Christian any day.

  27. I’ve had women ask me my zodiac sign, and after i told them, they said nah because I’m toxic lol. Aquarius gets no love 😂

  28. I lost immediate interest in a woman when she said she “knew” me based solely on my sign. I don’t want to be treated a certain way because you think you know all about me based on the day I was born. It’s absurd, and as much as I hate throwing this term around, a red flag.

  29. I’ve done it before where I give the girl a fake star sign then later after I’ll do something and she’ll be like “oh my god that’s SUCH a ‘whatever star sign I gave’ thing to do!” Only to tell them that isnt my actual sign and your whole identity is bullshit

    Its fun

  30. There’s literally a thing called astrology game lmao. Too many people believe this stuff so I’ve seen guys study horoscope matches and lie about their sign to get laid. It’s disgusting to what lengths people go to for sex

  31. i would never want to date someone who chose me solely based on my birthday

    like who cares

  32. The whole birth sign is trash and I don’t even know people who still believe in that junk. You can tell what kind of a person you will be with based on when you were born? Rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyy! Wow, so amazing! GTFOH!

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