I’m currently a SAHM with no friends and I really need to throw this into the void. The depth of loneliness I feel being married to my husband is crushing me tonight. He is selfish and when I bring up issues I have with him and our relationship, his response is “you’re choosing to be here.” I am because I love him and our boys but damn if that doesn’t make me feel invalid. He is away for the night, clinicals, I asked him to wait til our sons were older to go to school which was probably a selfish request but I didn’t want to be a single mom for two years. I keep thinking that if I felt like he loved and cared about me this would be easier but then I feel guilty for thinking that. If I sound like a mess it’s because I am. Anyway, my head is aching and my eyes feel so puffy I’m surprised I can see the screen. Maybe he will be there for me tomorrow.

  1. How is he when you bring up things that aren’t “issues”? How often do you bring up the “issues”? He might just be tired of it. I’m sorry you’re feeling so lonely. Your kids are glad they’re not lonely. That’s a big deal at least.

  2. I am so sorry. Loneliness in a marriage is incredibly painful. It will ruin your sense of self-worth. Go to couples and individual counseling if you are able. Do things for yourself that bring you a sense of pride and fulfillment. “You choose to be here” does not sound loving at all. You are not being selfish – you deserve as much happiness as he does. Your kids deserve a happy and present mom. Take care, friend. 🩵

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