Married Men, how do you view Will Smith in the Jada situation? Is he in the sunken place of his marriage?

  1. It’s hard to understand it. I get hiding it. But if they are both on the same page then I question are they doing it for the kids or the media

  2. My wife and I are separating.

    She doesn’t want a divorce, neither do I.

    I am hoping we can patch things up in the future.

  3. She is abusive. He is abused.

    I went through the same (but it was very much less public, of course). I see all the same behaviours from both of them, that I saw in myself/my ex.

    I understand why he doesn’t have the strength to stand up for himself. All of his energy is used surviving her.

  4. When you give yourself entirely to a marriage, you are the slave and your spouse is your master. No matter the sex of each. Its never a balance.

  5. As long as Will keep signing checks nobody gon squash a grape. They watching him close tho. Cuz if anybody gon snap is dat man.

  6. Looks like Will is the victim tbh, and feels compelled by old values (or blackmail perhaps) to save his marriage.

    Either way he is troubled and in pain, and in need of an intervention.

  7. Eh he is a grown man. Who is rich and has power. I have no insight into the relationship so I don’t know if she is an abuser.

    His behaviour is erratic and I think his pr advisor should be fired especially after that letter.

  8. He’s probably trying to hold on to his principles. Keeping the high ground by not entering a public fight with what obviously is someone that is mentally ill and not accountable for her acts.

    i think she is way more than just a narcissist. probably just shy of being institutionalized.

  9. As much as she seems like a huge bitch, he doesent seem to deserve any better.

    But we only know bits and pieces and who actually cares :/

  10. Sounds like he picked a poor partner who has made him look like a loser. I have no respect for the guy.

  11. He’s stuck in a shitty marriage with a shitty person that he can’t just walk away from because he lives in a shitty state that has shitty divorce laws that will screw him over. I feel bad for him, but he honestly should not have held on to her for this long.

  12. I pretty much only know a tiny bit about his marriage from snippets of posts I see on Reddit but I figure that the guy seems funny, sincere, is rich and talented and has proven he can be completely loyal to a woman. And knowing what I know about women: He’s going to be just fine. He’s going to be drowning in strange the day he divorces that shrew.

  13. If the relationship is working for both of them, great. Have at it.

    It is not something that I would want to live out personally. I mean, for me infidelity is a deal breaker. The pain and/or guilt would not be something I would see the value in working through. The actions can not be undone. Intimacy and deep vulnerability n the relationship would have been scarred at the very least.

    For these two people, they apparently see value in doing. Soecifically, what they are doing for themselves and the other person.

    I question if they are truly being honest with themselves, and that is what is hard to watch from a distance.

    On a side note, without being directly involved in the relationship, or a direct friend or therapist, I find it hard to say abuse is happening. Public and private personaes matter in this case for me.

  14. Chris Rock did a great piece on this in his last special, you’ll find that part on youtube.

    For me,I used to love and respect him. In his action movies, his physique, the characters he played like Ali, you think, “wow, this guy is a masculine leading man, with a stable marriage, such a role model”

    Now Will Smith has degraded himself consistently and is the ultimate cuckold. You can’t respect someone who doesn’t respect himself.

    He clearly has severe mental problems that force him to debase himself to that demon of a woman, or she’s blackmailing him or something, but this is an ugly and abnormal relationship.

  15. I generally don’t think about it. Usually there’s more than meets the eye to these things from an outsider’s perspective.

  16. Will is a disappoint to all men. This used to be someone who i looked up to and had a great desl of respect for, now he is just pitiful

  17. I 100% feel like she must have some sort of dirt on him for him to be this way, otherwise he’s a completely weak person and she’s just incredibly abusive and taking advantage of that.

    Obviously both can be true though, but there’s something going on there in my opinion, especially after she said they haven’t lived together for years.

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