I’ve seen this girl a few times and she’s planning dinner so I want to plan something fun. You think that would be a sweet date or too childish?

  1. I would love it but I’m not her so I can’t tell you whether or not she’d bo cool with it

  2. Absofuckinlutely!

    I love pottery so I’d always love a date like that. But clearly, not everyone would. Soooo, gauge “your” woman.

  3. Seems to me like this is something only very specific people would enjoy, so unless you’re 100% sure she’d be into it, I think not.

  4. It’s sweet, assuming she’s pretty open to trying new things.

  5. Just ask her. Be sure to have a back up plan in case she’s not into it

  6. maybe give her two options. say you have two plans and it’s up to her which date she picks. then if she’s not into it she doesn’t have to awkwardly turn you down.

    personally, if my partner planned a date like this i’d be really fucking happy

  7. I personally would love this! It’s a fun time, getting to craft and bond together, exploring a possible new hobby and getting to leave with a memento.

    Go for it.

  8. I would be absolutely thrilled! Mistakes are funny, successes are great, easy to be playful and have a chance to talk, make jokes. Then, if the relationship grows and lasts you have marvelous mementos of your early days! Fantabulous. Love it.

  9. Sounds like fun, but what really matters is what you two would enjoy.

  10. I’m not a woman if she doesn’t want to go. I’ll go with you. Making pottery sounds like a good stress reliever.

  11. Go for it. Make the most of it. If she doesn’t engage, flakes or has remotely a sour attitude, you will have learned something.

  12. I think it sounds really fun. I’m definitely the type who’d be down for non conventional dates. Huge green flag for me.

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