I know we keep growing over our lifetime and there is no limit for maturity. I guess what I mean is, at what age did you have a significant mental transition from being a kid to being an adult? Like you start feeling more comfortable with your true self, have somewhat firm ideas of what you are doing and where you are going in life, and become dependable for your family and people whom you love? How did it feel like to you?

  1. Sometime around 25. Like you said, we keep growing, but I think when I was 25 or so, I started seeing things clearer and questioning my purposes before committing to something.

  2. I would say around 14.

    Ironically, the fact that nobody thought I was dependable made me want to prove that I was dependable to people who trusted me enough to depend upon me.

    Whew, I used “depend” a lot in that.

  3. Indeed it happened gradually but I feel like last year my mentality changed noticeably. So at 30 (31) now . It used to be long live the party and instant gratification and I still have a hard time with delayed gratification (partly because of my ADD I think ) but I find the delayed gratification and working on my mental health with healthy but sometimes hard solutions way more important than before. Day to day satisfaction was the main thing , which I took a lot of shortcuts on that don’t benefit the long run .

    I think this is what I needed to mature on and I feel like life and me are a bit more boring but I’m way more at ease.

    Maturing is a bit abstract since it is different for everybody and it’s not really measurable . So for me it was this fast paced change in mentality and what I find important .

    Good question , hope it gets some responses . Would like to read.

  4. This is so tricky! Because every year when I look back 1-2 years I feel like I was doing dumb stuff. And that’s normal. It means that you are making progress, that you are evolving 😁

  5. around 29/30. i will say tho, the Pandemic definitely shaped that. Before it i was chasing girls constantly and while i still hooked up after, being alone gave me time to think about if i really wanna continue this manwhore lifestyle. at some point it gets old, boring and kinda pathetic. now im with one woman staying in on most weekends, hardly drinking, playing board games with friends. 2018 me would be pretty damn surprised

  6. I am 46. I am still not “mature”, but when it comes to how your broke it down. I was probably 25ish.

  7. I’m 36 and still feel don’t feel mature or that grown up but I should when I have kids and a house

  8. I guess it was when I was 10 years old when I started to think education system is stupid, unnecessary and time waster for me. what matters is money and for it I realized I didn’t need education system

    so with this realization after I graduated from the university of life™ (so cliche lol) at 12 I invented my first job of reparing mechanical pencils of people

    and then I became professional homework maker™ and made some pocket money until high school ended. also in art class for money I made drawing for people which made my art school teacher yell “why the fuck people pay you when your drawing is shit” which showed why she failed to make money with her talents and to keep surviving she became a teacher lol. bruh she was like 40 years old but clearly had 6 years old mentality lol

    in the meanwhile I sold virtual items from video games, mostly TF2 for real money and I also sold cheap games I traded with TF2 hats. diablo 3 was good for my income too. too bad valve ruined my business. fuck you gabe newell :DDDaround when I was 15 I started freelance works, mostly translation jobs. I was also involved in programming because I wanted to be indie video game developer so I also did some simple digital art painting gigs. I also made and sold custom programs for clients. nothing illegal though

    during university I didn’t do much because university killed my life so I had to focus only on education

    after so many years of freelancer and university life my country called me duty for military service so I became temporary professional soldier for a while and made some money. life was shitty but at least food was good, money was okay so for being forced to be a soldier I didn’t curse much when I was in guard duty 8 hours a day roaming around the damn jungle in freezing cold when I carry the gear of half of my size :DDD

    currently I have some business ideas but COVID ruined it and after it recent wars ruined my plans too but I do anything in my power to stop it because they fucking ruined my international business ideas but I’m one and a simple man. fucking world, they ruin life by being primitive and childish

    the COVID and war periods made me unlock like 2nd phase of maturity for me. I start to realize how these governments being so stupid and childish and therefore dragging whole world to their own BS. it would be better to live in peace by uniting the whole world so everybody would win so people could be happy in this life so people could have long-term gain. with the BS they do they perhaps having a little short-term gain and that’s it

  9. Definitely my 30s, mostly towards the end. I just turned 40 this year and I now feel more confident in myself and what I want in life.

  10. I don’t and I’m 41, but it’s possible I have a unrealistic ideal of what it means to be mature.

  11. 25. I pretty much just stopped fucking around and started my career with my degree. It felt like a genuine over night change but I think I was always in the right mindset for a bit, just not motivated to do anything with it.

  12. With how often this question is asked daily here would it be safe to assume that a bot is writing it?

    Ah, only 71 karma. That explains it!

  13. I’m 32 this year. The thought of ‘Oh, I’m mature now!’ really doesn’t come to mind. Over the years, I figured out what I should prioritise, what’s important to me and what’s not, the things I need vs want, when I should let myself loose and when to be serious or professional. These things don’t come all at once. You just learn as you live.

  14. Once I had a real job with a 401k and health benefits, so around 22. Nothing makes me feel more mature than having to deal with my own savings and insurance lol

  15. Around 25 propably. It was during discussions during various topics. And i’ve noticed i had my own opinions and they’ve sounded reasonable, logical.

  16. I’m 50 and I’m still waiting on it. I feel like I just can’t get my life together.

  17. 26 when my son was born. It came to me that i can no longer do stupid/ risky things, cause from now on i’m responsible for my boy. Used to love bicycle downhill (had lots of injuries cause of that). Since my son was born i never did downhill again, and in fact my “allowed risk level” went down A LOT in all aspects of my life.

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