What is the weirdest thing to happen to you at a hotel?

  1. Leprechaun and a chef having a fight in the hallway at 3am on the night of St Patrick’s day.

  2. I had a week long business trip in Scottsdale, AZ at a Best Western. So I would leave for training from 7 to 3 everyday and for 3 days straight I would find a tucked in $100 bill wedged in my door when I would get back to the hotel around 4 pm. I don’t know who or what it was for but it made me feel uncomfortable thinking someone was coming to collect. It’s not the weirdest thing but I thought it was worth posting.

  3. Paranormal stuff. It was bizarre.

    We traveled to India to see family, went to a city known for ghosts, spirits, etc. At the resort, I immediately felt a heaviness I couldn’t understand. Then later that night, I was throwing up, had a fever, chills. At one point I noticed my hairbrush that I placed next to the sink was missing. I went to the bedroom, said “please can you put my brush back?”, and immediately the brush was were I left it.

    I told my aunt I wanted to leave later that night and we did. As soon as we left and arrived at another relative’s home about an hour away, I was back to 100%. No fever, no chills, no dizziness.

    The whole experience was bizarre. I want to go back and see if the same thing happens but I’m too chicken lol

  4. My flight was delayed, I was supposed to arrive early afternoon but got there at like 3am so I was dead tired. I walked into the room and down a short hallway to the bed, dropped my stuff, fell on the bed and crashed.

    I woke up and stood up and turned around, and saw someone in my room. I yelled like a psycho and charged at the guy and smashed through the mirror closet door. It was me, I was seeing me in the mirror. I’d walked past it the night before but I didn’t turn around so didn’t know the wall was basically a big mirror. I didn’t get cut too bad, some blood but no stitches.

    The funniest thing was the maintenance guy said they were replacing the mirrors with regular doors as people smashed them. I wasn’t the first person to do this.

  5. University club trip I caught a dude who I was forced to join a room with, stealing my clothes including my shorts from my drawers when I was sleeping

    I called him out in front of our group even when he denied it. Then dude tried to offer me back my shorts 2 months later claiming he just “randomly found it” fuck that

    Creepiest person I’ve ever dealt with

  6. Knock at 3 am. Answered wondering what the hell. From the looks of it, she was a lady of the night. Asked me if I had any condoms. Slammed door shut. Jacksonville, Florida.

  7. We stopped at a hotel near Indianapolis and the Harlem Globetrotters were staying there. I saw them all when I was chilling at the pool.

  8. Had two big Samoan dudes pound on the door late at night. Against my better judgement opened the door and asked the him what was going on, he said he had been told his underage daughter was there with some guy and he was looking for them. He walked away and did the same to other rooms.

    Like 10 minutes later I hear one of them shouting something along the lines of “There he goes, get his ass.”

  9. I lived in one for almost a year because we’d just sold our house and my now ex-wife was so damn picky about finding a new one. Got to know all the staff by name, even had mail sent there. That was weird, and it really sucked

  10. Was on the top floor at the Rio in Vegas, felt lucky we got free upgrades to the top floor suites. Then the fire alarm went off at 130am. Elevators don’t work in that scenario so down the stairs we went, only to be told it was a false alarm 20 mins later at the bottom.

  11. Staying at Ritz Carlton in Seoul Korea during the World Cup, the Portugal national team were staying there. Went down to have drinks with my girlfriend, and I’m sitting next to a couple of Portugal players, look down the hall. One of my friends is with Eusébio, Figo , and Abel Xavier. Magical night. Different level for sure.

  12. bartender ended up in our room right after we left the bar but was already asleep she must have been actually taking the shots we were buying her. (we smoked cigs and cuddled in our own bed when we passed out)

  13. Found an actual douche bag in the bed. They gave us free drink tickets and an extra room.

  14. 2007 any convention

    A guy was trying to get me and my friend to come to his hotel room very badly. Offered us alcohol and money, just REALLY wanted to hang out

  15. I actually have a few stories but here’s one. I was 17 and at Daytona beach for spring break, I was a real Wildman back then. The hotel was overrun with crazy underage shenanigans in every direction. I somehow got into a conversation with some lady who must have been in her mid 40’s. She said she had some weed in her room and she would roll a joint, she also had some quiet loaner looking dude with her. I was broke so I took her up on the offer. We were smoking the joint when the guy positioned himself in the corner of the room and pulls out a handheld camcorder and started filming. I assume she wanted to bang but the whole thing was far too creepy. I started laughing and ran out of the room. I told my friends and they wanted to go to her room because she had weed.

  16. I met a famous persons security guard – for the record it was at a very fancy hotel that my cousin insisted I spend at for the weekend after a tough break up. He had dinner when we both were eating by ourselves. The rest is history 😉

  17. I was hanging out in the hallway on the Queen Mary outside my room. The hall had little recessed side halls leading to two separate rooms. Picture one long hall with a six foot hallway every 15 feet on either side. I’m in one of the little sidehalls reading a book when I hear what sounds like the kind of stainless steel rolling cart they use in surgery to hold all the surgical instruments crashing and clanging down the hallway like someone’s running while pushing it and all the objects are bouncing on the steel tray making a crazy amount of noise As I’m sitting there it gets louder and louder and louder until I could swear it’s about to pass the little side hall I’m in and then it just stops. It doesn’t come to a stop it just cuts off like turning off a light. I get up and walk out, look both ways and there’s just nothing in the hallway for dozens of yards in either direction. It was a hospital ship in WWII that’s now a hotel and famously haunted.

  18. I’d been out in Brighton on the lash with my then girlfriend. We’d missed the last train home, so feeling tired and horny, we went looking for a room to crash in. Found the only one, which was a single bed (had to pay extra to get it).
    For about 3 hours, there was a weird noise coming from the room next to us. Like someone wearing a mask, trying to breathe in, and then practically coming during the exhale. Definitely some seriously kinky shit going on.
    Anyway, we’d some our thing and had eventually fallen asleep and I’d started snoring.
    The aforementioned neighbours then had the audacity to bang on the wall because I was too loud. I moved closer to the wall, just to make sure my snoring was louder for them.

    4/10 wouldn’t do it again

  19. Seeing a rotting bible on the roof of a swimming pool for several years in a row, long after they stopped putting them in the rooms. This meant someone brought one with them to throw into the roof

  20. my wife and I stayed at a very cheap hotel in one of the more remote parts of our state for a wedding. turned out they were having a “comicon” type event for D-list celebrities from the 80’s and 90’s. that, my friends, is when I saw Ron Jeremy, in the flesh, at the bar. later, as I was heading to the bathroom, I passed him and an older woman starting to get hot on one another in the hallway.

  21. Went on a guy’s trip to Trinidad. My buddy and I shared a room with a shower in the corner that was basically all transparent glass that would fog up when in use. We found this design ridiculous but couldn’t be bothered and went about our buisness. Day 2 and we’re having a blast and go to a club that’s located on the property. Buddy meets a chick and after some time he signals me that he’s going up to the room. Some time passes and I stumble out of the club, completely forgetting about my friend and his guest. I walk through the door and make my way to the bed and throw myself onto it. I turn to adjust my pillow when I see two silhouettes going at it in the shower. I try to sneak out as I realize they haven’t noticed me but alas she sees something move through the glass and goes apeshit screaming. I panic and yell, “It’s me I’m in the room and leaving now.” I spend the next few minutes sitting outside the room until she comes out says hello and leaves. Suffice to say I was mocked relentlessly by my friend for the duration of the trip.

  22. Sleeping in the middle of the night when someone opens my door, turns on the lights and comes on in with their luggage and throws it on the other bed. The front desk made a mistake and sold my room twice. The looks on both our faces were of shock, especially since I was sleeping in the nude.

  23. I ran into a guy who had the whole hoyel bar convinced he was Trace Adkins. Even had a guitar with him and played for some people. Problem being. the real Adkins was on tour in another state. If you have worked with people who are displaced or homeless before, you know the skin build up and smell they can take on. This guy had been on the street or at least had not bathed for a while. End of the night he was so plastered, i carried him upstairs and dropped him into bed and flew out the next morning.

  24. This was years ago. I’m showing my age. Was dating a woman who worked the front desk of a high end hotel. When concerts or sporting events would happen, all the performers would stay there. She called one night and told me to come to the hotel at 10pm. When I get there in the lobby, she escorts me to a suite. She knocks and a short haired tiny woman answers the doors. I get introduce d to her and it’s the lead singer of the Cranberries. The entire band was in there. There was food, drinks, and pot. Another knock at the suite door and it’s the lead singer of Weezer lol. My 90’s band lover in me was trying so hard to keep my cool. A little time goes by and another knock at the door. It’s John Stamos lol! I’m a little buzzed and screamed out, Uncle Jessie!!! I got a little chuckle but knew I had to calm down and keep my cool. All of them were in town for performances and staying at the same hotel. John was drumming for The Beach Boys at that time. Who can say that they shared a joint with Uncle Jesse, Dolores, and Rivers? This guy 😂

    All were super super nice. Normal people and such a fun long night.

  25. I had a stranger who was a contractor. I’m not sure if him and his crew were staying at the same hotel but they were always there when I got off work. Anyway, he followed me to the floor I was staying at and when I was about to walk into my room, he asked if I wanted to join him in the shower. No introductions. No pleasantries, just straight from the hip about the shower.

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