Hello UK!

Where did you meet your partner (in real life)?

Not into dating apps, tell me your secrets!


Woman in her late 20s.

(Fun stories also appreciated)

  1. She made a thread on reddit one day titled “Where did you meet your partner” and it went from there.

  2. I was doing a disco. She came up on the stage to ask for a record and knocked my boxes of singles all over the floor. After much swearing we started to talk.

    I should have realised then and not years later that she was as clumsy as ****! She was a walking disaster.

    Today, she is long gone and all things delicate and fragile are in one piece.


  3. At the gym he used to do my classes occasionally and one day he walked into a pub I was in. It was like a cliche lightning bolt strike I saw him and just knew he was the one. came home with me that day moved in 3 weeks later, married two years later and that was twenty years ago.

  4. Asian backpacking hostel in New Zealand.

    Only went there because I wanted a visa for Australia.

    Ended up with a wife and kids.

  5. In a bar. We chatted, we liked each other and we swapped numbers.

    Nothing that exciting really! But 20 years the bar has long since been demolished. We’re still happily together tho!

  6. Ex cheated so went out drinking with her best mate, turned out I picked the wrong friend, been together 10 years, mortgage and thinking about kids.

  7. She’s a school friend of my best friend. I was home visiting parents and the only time we were both free was when he was meeting my now partner for a drink so I gate crashed (with her permission), we spent the entire time making fun of my best friend, and we started dating shortly after that!

  8. A friend dropped out of his uni course leaving us needing to find a 5th person for our student house just before term started. We advertised and my wife applied for the position and moved into the next room to mine.

  9. The short version is we were introduced by a mutual work colleague at a bar and hit it off from there.

    The long version is loooooooong.

    Funnily enough we’re one of the only couples out of all our friends and family that didn’t meet on an app.

  10. I was doing my MSc and using the computer room in a department near my house as a quiet place to study. Went there every day for months to write my thesis. She was an undergrad and worked at the cafe and I ate there most lunchtimes. I quite liked her, but assumed she was way out of my league and there was zero chance I was just going to randomly ask her out.

    Then one day as i was walking towards the cafe I saw her and her friend giggling and her friend pushed her towards the till to serve me. I pretended not to notice. I’m shy, but I’ll take my shots when they become available so the next day I just asked if she wanted to grab a drink after her shift, she smiled and said definitely. And that was that.

  11. Larp club! He was a dual-wielding elven warrior carving up the monsters.

  12. Meetup.com event. I’d been going to meetup events with a couple of different local groups for a few months, and had made some great new friends – which was always the propose of going for me, to make friends, not to meet chicks. But one time I went to a new group, met a girl, married her 2 years later.

  13. reddit! he posted on one of the dating subs i responded started messaging and jumped on a call at around 10pm that night – only realised that we had talked all night when my alarms to wake me up for work went off, met in person 2 weeks later and that was that – 2.5 years later and we have lived together for a year and who knows what might happen next!

  14. He lived in the room next to mine in our halls at university. We met a few days after Ipved in as we both liked rock music. It was freshers week and a few of us were going to a rock club for the first time and I invited him along.

    We got together and suddenly it’s 14 years later with house and cat.

  15. My cousin went into her work and asked if anyone wanted to write to me while I was serving in the military deployed somewhere sandy. Her letter arrived completely by surprise in the middle of the desert. I wrote back and the rest is history. Adult children and still going strong.

  16. We played Gary’s Mod together about 7 years ago and we’ve been together ever since (25 female)

  17. At work…eventually! After meeting at work it turned out he was 2 years ahead of me at the same high school as me and friends with my high school boyfriend, and my high school best friends brother.

    He then went to the same college as me but finished as I started. His college girlfriend ended up being my best friend in college.

    I moved away after college and he came back to our home village after uni but when I came back we were working round the corner from each other in a nearby city.

    I was then made redundant and started working in a nearby town where I finally met him and we realised just how often our paths could have crossed…

    The kicker, he lived round the corner from me!

    We have now been married for 2 years, have a 9 week old baby and have just signed the contracts to buy our first house!

  18. Ok Cupid, she messaged me first which was rare for me.

    I was smitten from the start

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