TLDR: My gf constantly walks out because of our past & my family, but wants to come back. This emotional rollercoaster is exhausting.

I admit, we’ve had some very low lows, & our highs have been not so great – we’ve constantly been teetering on the edge it seems.

Throughout the first few years of our relationship, I was constantly checking out other women right in front of her, & I *so* stupidly downloaded tinder trying to talk to other girls. It was due to resentment, because when I thought we were exclusive, she was messing around with someone else. I’ve since changed my actions & the way I treat her, I *KNOW* I want to be with her. I try my best to make her *feel* my love & never have to doubt it.

We had our own apartment close to our hometown from late 2017-2020, July 2020 we tried moving out of state, but came back in April 2021. Late 2021 & mid 2022, we tried moving out of state two more times, each time I made the stupid fucking mistake of coming back when our living situation became perilous. The only place we’ve had to live here is back at my parents.

I am grateful to have my parents that have allowed us to come back despite being like a goddamn yo-yo. However, the living situation isn’t ideal. For the 7 years we’ve been together, my family has been *trying* to find reasons to believe that my gf is a bad person. I have *one* sister (three total) that is sweet to her & likes her, my dad & brother are at least cordial but it’s clear they don’t like her. They constantly try to blame messes on her, & my preteen nieces have made up lies about her yelling at them to “turn music *damn* music down” (they play it on a sound bar & the bass literally rattles our walls, things have fallen off. I was on the phone with her & she didn’t say *damn*, & they ignored her the first two times she asked them, so she raised her voice a little thinking they didn’t hear her). Two of my sister’s & my mom are the biggest gossips ever, & after these years my gf has picked up enough Spanish to hear my sister on the phone talking to my other sister about her. My mom, sister, & preteen nieces are *always* yelling at my toddler niece & nephew, & said toddlers are *always* screaming & fighting each other too. They turn the TV up to rival the volumes at a movie theater. This place is overstimulating *as fuck*. There’s also a mold problem, & we’ve began experiencing things that arise through mold exposure. There’s constantly flies & fruit flies inside, there’s a wasp problem outside.

This last time, she didn’t even *want* to come back here – she told me numerous times but something very terrible happened to her while she was out with friends, not having a car, & being unstable (living out of airbnbs), so I panicked & decided to pack our shit & move us back anyway. She valued our independence way more, while I valued stability. My job out there was making *really* good money, but living out of airbnb’s, it felt impossible to save for a deposit. We found an apartment that offered a sort of “deposit insurance”, but we didn’t even know if we would qualify for it. However, with my income I *did* make the income requirement to afford the apartment on my own, without hers.

When we came back, we were going to try to be out within 4-5 months — it’s been nearly a year. Problems with places trying to take advantage of me & pay me less than what I deserved to be paid, & work slowing down *a lot* (dog grooming is typically commission). She was also having difficulty finding a job back here for several months. Her typical line of work has different regulations than the state we were in before, so she’d be making way less, & she understandably doesn’t want to settle for an hourly, nearly minimum wage job (but she has settled & is working).

To cope with all this, she’s turned to binge drinking. When she does, she brings up everything that has happened/is happening, & leaves to try to live elsewhere with a friend (last night being the most recent time, probably like 6-7 times since July). She won’t talk to me that night/the rest of the next day, but once it hits nighttime she calls me wanting to come back, & tells me she regrets everything she’s said & it’s just really fucking hard dealing with all this, but she knows we can make it through. This constant back & forth is so incredibly exhausting, I love her to pieces & want to be with her & see this through, but I know how she truly feels about me, our past, & everything. I know this is much harder for her than it is me, I’ve tried talking to my family but they just deny everything & don’t change.

The only good thing about being back is we have a car again, but our relationship is hanging on by a tiny ass thread. We’re trying to save at least a 2-3k as a fallback *on top* of the expenses to move, but I don’t know if we’ll even make it long enough for it to happen.

I know it’s gonna happen again, & each time it feels like she’s not gonna come back. I love her & want to fight for her, so I have each time, but like I said I know how she feels about me & everything. Her words are like daggers, so I contemplate whether her dealing with all this, me & my family is worth her sanity, knowing she’ll have at least *some* peace elsewhere. idk maaaaan…….

  1. She cheated so you cheated. Instead of just… dumping her?

    And she’s an alcoholic- not to mention everything else.

    On and off relationships don’t work. Stop wasting your life with this chick.

  2. Let her go and move on. Trust me. You’re still young too so there’s plenty of opportunities out there for someone better, you just be in the right frame of mind for when they come along.

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