I mean when we’re in the car together and I don’t really know what to talk about with them.

It’s when I’m with my parents that I feel awkward talking with friend, cause their just listening and I want to avoid awkward things.

Sorry if this is a bit confusing.

(I am a 16 year old male)

1 comment
  1. Music is a great conversation topic! Ask about bands, songs, artists, and preferences!

    Alot of time my friends and i go through pictures to start conversations.

    Talk about where you would want to travel and what you would do if money wasn’t an issue/ what you would do if you won the lottery

    Pretend to be new anchor hosts, we choose a generic name like “bob” or “joe” and then talk about whats going on on the road, other cars, the weather, and sometimes random emergency alerts as a joke lol, like were being broadcast, its hilarious and entertaining.

    When you’re gonna hang out next is great when parents are around because they can approve then and there! 🙂

    School/projects if you want parent approval!

    What you would do to prepare for the apocalypse if you knew it was coming tomorrow.

    Thats all i got

    If you have a particularly close friend or are just nerdy like me You could also come up with a secret language and codes, a little different but thats what my sister and i did to talk about everything when we were teens, we had code phrases and words that mean other things, like if we “wanted to go fishing” it meant we wanted to talk crap about someone or something or basically had tea, that is tied to an inside joke about the fish crappie and how we could say fish to mean crap when we were kids, but it can be Whatever you want.

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