The guy (21M) that I’ve (20F) been seeing for 3 weeks finally came over and we were dry humping any chance we got earlier and he kept telling me how sexy I am and how much he likes me but when we were about to start and I was giving him head, he lost his erection. We kept kissing and watched tv and he said we’ll do it later but idk, im not the best at head but I didn’t bite him or anything and I legit got one of his pubes in my mouth but I didn’t tell him. Idk I feel like shit rn

  1. I dream of a world where people don’t make it all about themselves if their partner happens to not get hard/wet one time.

    It happens to everyone. Sometimes the brain is willing but the body won’t cooperate. He could have been tired, anxious, anything. It’s nothing to do with you.

  2. Gosh . Don’t worry girl. A man’s erection is highly unpredictable. You are doing very good

  3. 100% normal. It happened to me first time with my first wife, I was the same age. It’s okay, it’s not a ‘problem’, it means he’s really into you because he’s really nervous. Slow it all down, take your time, show each other care and understanding.

  4. He may not be into receiving head or he’s just been nervous.

    In all likelyhood it isn’t about you. Don’t overthink.

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