For some background, I am a coach at a volleyball club where my ex’s little sister (calling her mary) plays. Over the off season, I broke up with him and have gone no contact whatsoever. I really had no idea how things would be with his sister until I went to one of my old high school volleyball games (where she attends school and plays for their team) and got the stink eye from Mary, my ex’s mom and dad, and 3 brothers. On top of this, all the girls on the team were also definitely aware that Mary isn’t fond of me due to complete silence when I entered there gym. They also play for the volleyball club which I coach for. ON TOP of this, half way during the game one of my ex’s friends told me to f off (i’m guessing because they’re mad i broke up with him). i don’t know what to do because the owner of the club is my old volleyball coach and I am close with the rest of the coaches, but i don’t want to just be bullied by all the girls and talked about the whole time. I also feel like I am significantly older than them and should be taking it to heart so much, but I want to be on good terms with everyone to spare the awkwardness.
My ex’s family and friends tend to be very judgmental. A few months into our relationship I took a break with him and when we fixed things they didn’t talk to me for weeks, even when I was in their house. It took a long time for things to go back to normal, and that was just for a break. I can’t imagine how they must feel now that I am broken up with him. Part of me just never wants to show my face there again, but at the same time it’s literally the highschool I went to and club I work for. I don’t want to let them have the satisfaction of making me leave, but I also don’t want to be bullied in my own work.
Any tips would be great.

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