Proposal Misdirection Advice (Horrible Liar)

Hey everyone,
It’s at the point in my relationship we are talking about getting married. She is expecting a proposal any minute now.
I have an idea for it- she is going with my family to a weekend getaway and I will do it there.
The trick is-
1) getting her family there without her knowing and
2) making her believe that it’s not a proposal trip

Her family has find friends and snap map on their phones and I’m wondering how to disable or stop those without her knowing. And to misdirect her attention or expectation of an engagement (without any toxic or manipulative behavior)
Thank you!!!!

Edit: spacing

TL;DR I’m trying to make her believe it’s not happening when it’s indeed happening

  1. I don’t think you can beat that sort of competition. Instead, you might consider joining them! See if you can bring all of her friends in on the event and see if all of them can help to misdirect so that it can still be a secret – just, a secret only for her.

  2. … do you really think your gf is going to check her find my friends/ snap map on the way to this getaway? That seems insane to me, but I guess you could just message her family privately to invite them and say that since this is a surprise, could they disable their locations/ not use whatever for that weekend.

    Don’t go out of your way to misdirect her, because you don’t want to get into a situation where she thinks you’re putting it off or letting her down, and she might want a little bit of a hint to dress up etc. I’d say just don’t mention it and don’t misdirect- just be normal

  3. Look, is she the type to actually want a public ( anymore than just you & her there) proposal ? This is because it being with people there is either great or terrible depending on her personality. Have you both discussed it?

    I can’t help with the misdirection, but I really hope you know the answer to the above question.

  4. The find friends thing will only work if they leave their phones at home. People can disable their location whenever, but you know who in your list is not sharing anymore. If she checks her phone and like 5 people are all suddenly not available, that’s gonna be your game over.

    So yeah, your best bet on that front is convincing them to leave phones at home. And good luck with that.

    As for misdirects, that’s tricky. There’s always scheduling a fake one on one trip for the two of you for a date after the family thing. That way she assumes that later weekend is the proposal thing. In a similar vein, you can surreptitiously leave out a fake restaurant reservation or even fake a ring receipt that states delivery will be for some time down the road.

    This may fall under the manipulative banner, but you could always employ one of her friends to throw her off the scent. The friend could confide in her that you hit them up for ideas on proposals and that you seemed really excited about the idea a 4th of July fireworks proposal or something. Again, pushing her off to a later date.

    I don’t know what this weekend is exactly, but if it’s an informal setting, you can make a show of asking your GF if you should pack any dressy clothes or just pack light and stick with casual wear.

    Another trick would be to share a bag for the trip. Or only bring one bag for yourself and then come up with an excuse for her to have to root through it to find something (Make sure the engagement ring is being brought by a trusted friend). There’s nothing more suspicious than a bag she can’t ever touch for any reason.

  5. If you want it to be a surprise to her, don’t give her any hints… like don’t suggest she get her nails done if she doesn’t normally get them done (dead giveaway!), don’t suggest she wear something nice.

    I also wouldn’t propose the first night.. for example, if you had a nice dinner planned that first nighr, she might expect it then, but when you don’t propose at the first night’s dinner, she might think “oh. It’s probably not happening this trip”

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