What’s something girls think makes them attractive but is actually a major turnoff?

  1. Over do their makeup & get excessive plastic surgery. Like specifically the Kim Kardashian, bimbo look.

    Looking high maintenance is a turn off. I like a natural simple girl.

  2. False eyelashes.

    They just look weird and totally distracting. Like having a boggie hanging out of your nose without realising it.

  3. Thinking it intrigues me if they delay responses. Had a couple girls do this in early dating stages …and I simply stop engaging. After them hitting me up & talking it out, it’s been “gotta make you work for it”…”I thought you’d appreciate being kept on your toes”. I’ve never had the patience for all that personally

  4. I haven’t read comments yet but I’ll just save you some time and sum up the Reddit Man List for you

    Lip fillers
    Fake bum
    Fake boobs
    Snapchat filters
    Extremely long nails
    Pretending to be dumb
    Pretending to be uninterested
    Putting others down

  5. Duck face, excessive lip fillers (FFS, you look like a baboons butthole) and extremely long nails.

  6. Young ladies seem to have left this particular trend behind, but you used to see girls doing this awful “baby talk” shit all the time. It was so creepy and weird and thank God above that it’s a trend that has either faded away or is in sharp decline.

    I hated it.

    I don’t care if you’re model hot, doing that nonsense would wither my interest in even the most attractive women.

  7. Long nails and extra long ashes.
    Lip fillers and fake boobs and ass lift.

    Just stay natural. It’s so much more attractive.

  8. Snobby attitude. Many people think they sound elite, but they really just sound elitist and unhappy.

  9. My wife explained the root cause of most of these:

    Women spend more time on trying to impress other women than they do trying to be attractive for men.

    Makeup, plastic surgery, social media fakeness, pants without pockets… None of it is actually intended for us men. Getting our attention with it is secondary to the real goal of female social acceptance.

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