What were the best years of your life? What made them special?

  1. Right now (Mid 20s) For soooooo many reasons

    1: I’m in great health, best shape I’ve ever been in

    2: I’m full of energy and motivation each day

    3: I have my dream job

    4: I live in my dream country

    5: I have great friends and good relationship with family

    6: I have my dream home right downtown

    7: I make enough money that lets me travel any time I want and do what I want

    Life is just too amazing, I honestly couldn’t be happier if I tried.

  2. 20-25. I was the skinniest and most energetic I’ve ever been, I spent most of my time travelling to concerts, partying, and hanging out with old and new friends, and my depression and anxiety didn’t have the grip on my life it always had before and has now. I also didn’t feel any pressure from society or people in general to act, look or be in a certain way, there were no casual indirect reminders about “dressing your age” or “growing up and stop doing [hobby]”, nor having to see most people my age settling down to spend most of their time on their career and/or partner. I miss it all incredibly.

  3. 16-21. I was carefree, zero responsibilities, had met my lifelong best friends and went on so many adventures.

  4. 24-28. Both of my younger siblings moved in with my husband and I, one had just gotten out of the military and the other was freshly 18. It was so much fun reconnecting with my siblings as adults and having my favorite people all together in one house.

  5. Right now. From 2021-now. I’ll be 50 In a few months. I divorced and living the life I want on my terms. I have kids, but have more freedom and fun than I did while married to their dad. I adore my kids and am watching them thrive.

  6. 18-21. I was flatting and studying at university and I thought my life was terrible but it was actually wonderful. I was active and happy.

    After university, real life started happening and then I went through some pretty real traumas (as everyone does) and over the years I started changing.

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