Women whose life is perfect on paper but secretly struggle with something. What is your struggle?

  1. I guess on paper my life seems great (ish) possibly? I’m currently not working, although I have a degree. I am taking time to travel and explore, go to different states/countries, doing some volunteer work in different places, figuring my life out and exploring in the meantime, etc. So I guess some people might see this as me being very lucky to have the freedom and funds to travel, and the security to not have to have a full time job right now which I am grateful for.

    I guess my struggle is ultimately that I am deeply unhappy. Always. I want to go back to the past so badly but I can’t. It’s not like the past was amazing, I experienced a lot of trauma during my childhood, but now I’m an adult and aimless and lonely. I have a lot of self esteem issues. I’m worried about a lot of things and I spend a lot of time thinking about when my parents are going to die and then I’ll really be alone forever. It scares me to think that one day they won’t be here and I’ll literally be by myself on earth

    I guess I am ultimately constantly feeling like time is running out and I can’t breathe and I can’t hold onto my life or anyone in it

  2. I have a loving husband, an amazing daughter, dog, a beautiful home, an amazing job, lots and lots of friends, am beautiful, and even in my mid 30s I have a body that I still like and I am happy with my life and with who I am.

    But I built all that from scratch. I am an introvert, that had an horrible childhood, full of abuse.

    And I worked too hard so hard for everything, I feel that I am living a dream and that I can lose everything in the blink of an eye because deep down I don’t deserve it. Sometimes I can’t sleep thinking about how I don’t deserve anything, and that the people I love will realize that one day.

    I am in the edge of a burn out for the past 4y, because I’ve never fully recover from my episode where I almost died.

    I am tired all the time.

    I love my friends but I resent them because I have to set aside time for them, I love my job, but I just wanted someone to take care of everything for me, I volunteer, help people, but feel that I am a horrible person deep down…

  3. More or less riddle me this, she dates a guy whose 20 years older than her.. but has been caught cheating several times. Instead of leaving her he gives a ring and rents a building for her body waxing company.. why?

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