Whether it’s your friend or a stranger, how comfortable are you?

  1. Entirely depends on the context…

    At work… not very comfortable. Same in the grocery store, on the bus, and out on the street.

    In the locker room and at home… pretty comfortable.

  2. Uncomfortable with everyone but my gf because i feel like a creep if others are exposéd to my dick outline.

  3. Uncomfortable unless it’s my partner or my bros. Or swimming.
    That’s my package on display. Why would I just be comfortable?!

  4. Pretty comfortable just because I have a nice physique now but when I was fat very uncomfortable

  5. When situationally-appropriate, being in my underwear or fully naked doesn’t bother me at all.

    But I wouldn’t like indiscriminately walk around in my boxer-briefs in the middle of a party or something.

  6. Me and my roommate live in a small apartment, so we see each other in our underwear from time to time. It’s not a big deal and doesn’t really bother neither of us. I also don’t feel uncomfortable being in my underwear in front of my gf, for obvious reasons.

  7. Around other men, very comfortable (provided the context is appropriate, i.e. changing clothes). Around women who I’m not in a relationship with, less so (though I’m comfortable if they’re also comfortable in underwear, which has happened a few times).

  8. Very comfortable. But I obviously will only be in that state of dress in appropriate situations. I also have no issues being completely naked in front of others, but as before, in appropriate situations.

  9. I’m in the locker room at my gym four days a week, typically. So…comfortable enough to do it four days a week.

    Strangers regularly see me in my underwear simply because we’ve chosen to share the same squat racks.

  10. 💯it’s my natural state when around other people. When they’re not there, I’m naked

  11. I’m pretty comfortable with my body…..I’ve never really had a issue being semi-nude/nude around people

  12. I used to be much more self conscious, but since becoming a dad, I’m in just tighty whities 98% of the time when it’s just the wife and kids at home. I put on clothes when company is over but not for my benefit – because I know *they* don’t want to see that.

  13. Anywhere where it’s at least remotely acceptable to be in just your underwear, I’m fine with it.

  14. in my own home? im going full frontal bare bottom butt booty nekkid.

    anywhere else? ill show my chest with some hesitation.

  15. My girlfriend would blow her lid with how fast I shed my clothing coming home from work. From front door through the hallway to couch I’m in my underoos in 3 seconds.

    Usually I didn’t notice and was already mid undressed before I noticed we had friends over.

  16. I ain’t doing it unless it’s someone I’m romantically involved with… at which point I’m ok sans undies so it’s a moot point.

    One exception being locker rooms. It’s the gym, I want to shower without having to perform a shedding action like a segmented tapeworm

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