I feel like i always get into these situations where i cant see myself in a relationship with anyone i date. I’ve liked a lot of guys that haven’t liked me and could imagine myself with them yet when i have a chance with someone else i always bolt. Is it a case of needing to give someone more of a chance or am i just doomed.

  1. well this is reddit so id take every bit of advice with a grain of salt. even mine. but a relationship take two people. if one is always running away from it, it will never happen

  2. Not something wrong with you but here’s my two cents. I recently had to come to terms with the fact that love was not an option for me. Every one is different and the lives they’ve lead leaves them with different sets of emotional tools for navigating relationships of all kinds, and sometimes, you just dont have what it takes. I’m not saying that’s necessarily you, but take some time to think about what is and is not realistic for you

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