I spent 4 years with this person, she breaks up with me because “she’s at a low point in her life” and feels like she can’t provide the same love and affection that I provide her, but 3 months later she can start a new relationship with someone 4 years younger than her? Honestly I’m hurt but I also feel like I dodged a bullet, all I’m seeing now is an immature person that doesn’t deserve me. I motivated her to workout, go to school, helped her financially, was always there for her family when they needed help, but I guess some lowlife, broke, alcoholic, pot head, ex-convict is better than me. I know I sound bitter but what else am I supposed to feel?

TL;DR My ex broke up with me due to depression, to only date a lowlife loser 3 months later

  1. When you feel apathetic about her you’ll know it’s over. Until then stop looking for information about her, block her on all social media and let any mutual friends know that you don’t want to hear anything about her.

  2. She might come running back, and if that happens, save yourself from the potential heartbreak and dodge that bullet again.

  3. There’s nothing useful to gain from this train of thought. She wanted something else — worse? better? who knows. She gets to make whatever poor decisions she wants. It’s entirely normal to go through these emotional responses, but oscillating between “well she’s immature anyway” and “how is this person better than me?” doesn’t get you anywhere useful.

    Deep breaths, get some exercise, let the thoughts pass through but don’t dwell on them. Better fish in the sea. you’ll be okay.

  4. Reading through your responses, you sound as if you think you’re her dad or guardian angel. Your attitude will push her further towards the drug lifestyle. Same with her moms. Also, weed isn’t a drug.

  5. There are are reasons for decisions and there are excuses for decisions. She gave an excuse while the actual reason was another guy. It’s obvious. Go NC permanently; she lied to you.

  6. She sounds like a cougar I’m proud of her

    Time u move on too bro girls r ruthless now u know

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