I’ve been talking to this girl for an about a month now, and yes we met off a dating app. I made it clear with her that I wasn’t looking for a hookup and she gave me a similar response. We actually already had a first date but it was awkward which isn’t uncommon for a first date I guess. After, she texted me saying she had fun and asked to hang out again sometime before I could get around to texting her. Although, when we text she always takes a while to respond, sometimes hours. Shes told me that she is pretty busy with college/work but idk if that’s true or she’s just not so interested. We had a second date scheduled and she canceled so I was thinking that was it, but she later apologized and said she was looking forward to seeing me again and asked for a reschedule. So, now it’s coming up and she still takes long to respond to texts and idk what to think about it. Most people would probably just assume that she’s not interested but she seems to want to meet up again so idk. Am I being led on?

TLDR: girl takes a long time to respond to texts but still asks to hang out

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