For context I’m (F21) a virgin with a decently high libido and newly single. Everyone keeps telling me “when you lose it, you’ll want it all the time ” “you’ll crave it”. Like I’m opening up pandoras box or something. Lol I just want to know others opinions on this matter. Is it really that big a deal?

  1. I’m a guy but I’ll way in. It’s not as bad as they make it out there. There’s no physical changes really but if you just constantly having sex there could come a time when you wish you hadn’t. So my advice is only do it with someone if you truly want to be with them for a long time or would be willing to raise their kid. Stay in those lines and safe you should have a great time. Extra advice if a guy doesn’t take NO as the first answer or tries to bargain with you, RUN.

  2. No, it’s different for everyone. Some people can go without having sex others have a higher libido and feel like they need sex everyday. I do suggest to be careful who you chose to have sex with though considering you’re a virgin, you might be expecting a lot more vs someone who is just looking for a hookup.

  3. I wonder if you saw my other comment on if sex is a basic need.

    I was a virgin until I was 36. I could have gone the rest of my life without sex. I masturbated sure. But once I had sex. Now it’s like a room in a house that I need to keep clean. Before the door was closed and it’s assumed tidy and in order. No worries about the room. Now my body is like hey you gotta clean that room. Every week or so it wants to be laying there with some woman. Masturbation doesn’t fulfill the feeling either. So it’s not just the orgasm. Longest I’ve gone without sex after having it has been 8 months.

    I’m actually happy that I’m now closer to 40 and things are slowing down. I used to have the desire to masturbate daily but now the sex hormones take a solid week to build up to what they used to do in a day when I was 30 and hours when I was 18. I hope it just dies and falls off. But I doubt the feeling of that room needing to be cleaned will ever go away.

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