I recently ordered an iPad for a gift for someone in my family from very.co.uk, the order went through smoothly and I had an email from Royal Mail confirming when they would deliver this parcel, 2 days on from the scheduled delivery date it still hadn’t arrived so I called very and they had advised to me that the package had went missing and they will get a new one sent out, so they removed the first iPad order from my account and then replaced the order for next day delivery, which I received correctly, today Royal Mail delivered to me a package which turns out to be another iPad which I take to be the first order, does this mean that I get to keep this or what ?

  1. Yes.

    Well, you have to make reasonable efforts to return it. That is, contact the seller and tell them they made a mistake. It gets a bit complicated if you can’t manage to return it easily.

    The only time you can really keep stuff you didn’t order is unsolicited goods, but this isn’t that.

  2. Should you legally? Probably

    Should you morally? Probably

    Will you get caught if you sell it on eBay and never tell anyone? Unlikely

  3. I’d try to send it back, but you could wait and see. If they go to royal mail for any reason they may see that the parcel was delivered.

  4. If they noted the serial number on the side of the box, it will be traceable. I would definitely return it.

  5. All the replies are such goody-goodys, “oh its immoral! its illegal!”

    Just keep it for now, if no one contacts you about it, then you have your answer

  6. Legally, strong yes. Morally, very very mild yes because it’s not like very.co.uk is going to suffer any meaningful loss from it. Practically, no, there is a 99.999% chance you will suffer no consequences for keeping it.

  7. If you’re planning on keeping it, think about the following:

    – Did you sign for both packages
    – Did RM record the delivery in any way without you signing it?

    As a high value item, I assume one of the two happened. If so, there’s evidence you accepted two parcels. It may well be unlikely that Very notice, but if they do and you have already sold it or deny receipt, you could get yourself in a hole.

  8. It’s unlikely they will notice.

    I imagine as soon as the replacement was sent out, they closed the original order as missing or not delivered and filed an insurance claim. It costs them less to just put in a claim than paying people to track parcels. That’s what I would guess anyway.

    Even if you signed for delivery of the original order, by that point, I expect nobody will be looking. If their insurers ask for the courier to confirm the package went missing and then see you signed, just return it then. “I didn’t know how to return the item and have not had time to look in to it yet”.

    In all honesty, just keep it until contacted otherwise.

  9. If it was me, I’d gift the first iPad, hold on to the second iPad for a month or two and see if anything came of it. If I heard nothing, I’d probably use or keep it, depending on whether it’s better than the model I currently have.

  10. I’m fairly sure you know the answer, you just want people to justify to you that it’s okay to steal.

  11. open your window and yell “YOU SENT ME AND EXTRA IPAD” do this once a day for a week and if they dont turn up to collect it, its yours.

  12. Why do people make these posts, the answer is rather obvious and the truth is the majority of us wouldn’t follow through with returning it. But trying to use a Reddit post tas a way to justify doing what is technically the wrong thing isn’t going to do anything.

  13. *** UPDATE ***

    On the very app it shows as two orders because the previously had to cancel the original order and put a new one on. When going to the original order it says “Not Delivered and unable to track” when pressing on the new order or replacement as they put it it says delivered with all the tracking information, the only problem I have is Royal Mail did take a photo but it was only of the package at the front door but unsure if very will even go back and check the tracking with Royal Mail as the might just claim it back through insurance

  14. Chuck it in a drawer for 6 months, if no repercussions sell it! If there come asking go oh yeah silly me here it is!

  15. I once got sent two pairs of adidas trainers by accident. Did I send them back? Let’s just say they stayed in excellent condition for rather a long time.

  16. Keep it. Exactly the same thing happened to my mum years back with an MacBook. She sent it off for repair with John Lewis, they called to say they lost it and sent a new one. Then a few days later, her old one came in the post. We didn’t say anything and no one checked in about it. You’ll be fine.

  17. I know people who have claimed missing items and had replacements sent and kept though and sold on the second. Comes down to the individual and how you feel about it however….

    Having worked for a Disti who sold Apple products I am fairly sure the serial numbers are tracked to the vendor and when that item comes online Apple are aware.

    Certainly it was something along those lines as we had a case of reporting an item missing and I am sure Apple were able to track it somehow.

  18. Wont speak to the morality side but if you do return it they have to be the ones who put in all the effort.

    1. They cant force you to take it to a post office or other collection point
    2. They cant make you print anything off, or add any additional packaging or any kind of expense to you.
    3. You are allowed to dictate when they can come and collect it.

    I had something similar with a high value item but the company that sold it only had a small uk presence of a contracted distribution office. They wanted me to return it to China at my own expense. As soon as I pointed them at UK law saying they had to cover the cost and come and pick it up they ghosted me.

  19. I personally would hold on to it unopened for a month or two, just to be sure you’re not gonna get some surprise email saying “oi, we’ve heard you got two iPads from us, you gonna pay us or return it or what?” Conveniently, waiting for a month or two takes you pretty much to Christmas – so you can give the second one to another family member!

  20. Fuck Very they screwed me over big time before and they wouldn’t do shit to help me.

    So keep this.

  21. I would hold onto it for a couple of months and see if they automatically charge your bank account for the second one. I had a betting company do this to me.

  22. Don’t overthink it OP, keep it in a drawer for a little while and see if anything comes of it. If you signed for the parcels they could ask for it back, at which point ask for a pre paid envelope or someone to collect.

    This is a large conglomerate not some small independent retailer, don’t feel guilty

  23. Personally this happened with another company years ago, mum ordered a phone. The phone went missing in the mail after 4 weeks they sent a new one then the missing phone box was suddenly delivered 2 weeks later.admittedly the phone was missing but had all the other stuff cables, sim, charger so she contacted the company they just said keep the cables and chargers as spare.

    They could’ve said send what’s left back but because she was honest they went keep it. Usually I say if the original missing order and replacement order both get delivered contact the company and go from there. Some will say just keep it some will ask for the original order back. It’s better to be honest and prevent a possible double charge or being blacklisted from ordering again it can happen.

    At the worst don’t say anything and wait to see if they contact you but I’d go the honest route and see how it plays out, we’ve had missing orders get delivered and most times they go eh keep the other or sell it.

  24. I had a similar situation with a shelf from Wayfair.

    I cancelled my order because they kept pushing delivery back by 2 weeks every time it came to the day they said it was going to despatch.

    They accepted my cancellation and refunded the money but a couple of weeks later the shelf arrived, I decided to try my luck and keep it and I put it up on the wall.

    A month later they emailed me saying they’d noticed their mistake and asked me to either return the shelf, or pay them 50% of what I originally paid.

    So if you are going to keep it I would stick it in a drawer for a few months and wait to see if they contact you before opening it or selling it. If Wayfair noticed my £60 shelf was missing then I can only imagine Very are going to notice an expensive iPad is missing at some point.

  25. A lot of people in this comment section with a “oh will somebody PLEASE think about the huge corporation?! 😭😭” mindset…

  26. Keeping the iPad is stealing. It’s wrong to steal. It doesn’t matter that Very made the mistake. It doesn’t matter that they’ll a very likely never find out. It doesn’t matter that they’re a huge company who themselves rip people off. It’s categorically wrong to steal. If a sales assistant in an Apple Store handed you an iPad to demo and then forgot you had it, would you walk out of the store with it, and then say “Ah but Apple are a huge company and they ought’ve had security around, and it was their fault for forgetting I had it, etc”? Contact Very and let them know about the mistake— they may allow you to keep the iPad.

    And shame on the people here calling others “goody goody” or “fannies” for advocating basic morality. It’s not weak to give the iPad back. It’s weak to keep it. Obviously anyone would love to keep the extra iPad, and it takes great strength of will to instead do the right thing.

  27. Hi. I work for very.co.uk and I will be investigating this. I suggest you return it before I break your knee caps.

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