Like this guy (mid twenties) always makes crude remarks that involve his penis. I don’t think he has much experience with women and is shy but I noticed whenever I’m around he either aggressively flirts with other women in front of me or brings up his dick somehow. Like is this his attempt at flirting or is he just an ass?

  1. ¿Porqué no los dos?

    Some sad young pups don’t know how to flirt and yet are full of strong hormones and so they flail around. They can be asses.

    Ideally, a slightly older male mentor will take him aside and let him know that he’s not winning anyone’s enthusiasm with the crude dick remarks. There’s a time and a place, lad. Teach him how to be smooth.

  2. >Like is this his attempt at flirting or is he just an ass?

    Probably both. Some guys just don’t know how to play the game (myself included). Some go WAY overboard, and some go silent and the best you will get is a nod and a smile.

  3. The old cliche of boys on the playground pulling the pigtails of girls they like is not made up out of thin air. Boys usually get absolute shit or no education on how to deal with girls and that can and does evolve them into men who don’t know shit about women.

    He may be simply uneducated, he may have taken advice from “pick-up artist” types aka the cringiest douchebags on earth, or he may just be an asshole. Only you can figure out which is which.

  4. Some women laugh at crude jokes and that can be seen as flirting, others hate it and find it awkward or embarrassing, especially in a public setting.

    People flirt in different ways, I generally found implying something crude is better than actually being crude directly because then the person receiving has a choice to take it as crude or not. If you know what I mean

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